In The Outlast Trials, players are thrust into the terrifying world of Murkoff Facility during the Cold War Era, where they become victims of experimental therapy practices. Unlike its story-driven predecessor, this survival horror game offers gruesome task and puzzle-based objectives across various maps. The ultimate goal is to survive the trial-based therapy sessions, complete the programs, and escape the facility to be Reborn. Each trial map is rife with environmental hazards and resources that can either aid or hinder players, with locked containers scattered throughout that contain valuable resources accessible only with lockpicks. This guide provides everything players need to know about obtaining and utilizing lockpicks in The Outlast Trials.
How to Get Lockpicks in The Outlast Trials
Players are required to maintain their health, stamina, sanity, and night vision throughout the trials. It is beneficial to have health bottles, antidotes, batteries, and Rig recharges while exploring the trial maps, especially since there are deadly enemies roaming around. These items can be found easily on shelves or in open boxes, but some are concealed behind locks on tool kits, first aid kits, and other containers. Therefore, players must obtain lockpicks to quickly access them if they require a swift remedy.
Lockpicks can be discovered in various locations throughout the map, making it important for players to keep an eye out for them. While they can often be found near lockboxes, they may also be hidden in unexpected places. Due to their small size, players should be diligent in their search for lockpicks. Once obtained, lockpicks will automatically be added to one of the inventory slots. When approaching a lockbox, players will then have the option to use a lockpick to gain access.
Players are tasked with using a lockpick to open various locked doors throughout the game. This requires the player to engage in a series of quick time events, which involve hitting the correct input during a specific time window. The event is presented as a circular grid, which contains red, green, and black bars and a spinning hand. Players must hit the specified input while the needle is in the green area, gradually filling the lock code. This process must be repeated consecutively a few times to successfully pick the lock. However, players must avoid missing the green zone as doing so too often can cause damage to their health or trigger a psychosis gas trap.
Players who struggle to locate a lockpick can opt for the elusive Master Key, which boasts unlimited uses on any lockbox. This coveted item can only be found in secret rooms during co-op matches, marked by two blue buttons outside the door that must be pressed in unison. These hidden rooms offer a plethora of resources, with the Master Key being one of the rarest finds. The Early Access version of The Outlast Trials is currently available on PC.