The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Utilizing the Broken Timepiece in Remnant 2

The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Utilizing the Broken Timepiece in Remnant 2

Unleash crowd-controlling power in Remnant 2 with the Broken Timepiece Discover its location and learn how to harness its incredible abilities for an immersive gaming experience

In Remnant 2, the secret items are not merely tucked away in winding paths or disguised walls like in other games. Discovering these secrets requires more than just a thorough search of every corner of the map, as they often involve a series of steps across various zones.

One of these secrets is the Broken Timepiece, a hidden item in Remnant 2 that requires players to travel between two different areas in Losomn. This item holds the key to unlocking one of the game's most powerful crowd-control mods. Therefore, players should prioritize obtaining it as soon as the necessary conditions arise.

Remnant 2: Broken Timepiece Location

The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Utilizing the Broken Timepiece in Remnant 2

In the streets of the dull city of Dran in Losomn, players may occasionally come across the Hewdas Clock, a colossal tower adorned with a conspicuously purple object wedged in one of its clock arms. This object is known as the Broken Timepiece, and obtaining it requires more than just ascending the tower.

The tower's elevator is nonfunctional, meaning that players must utilize the interior ladders and exterior scaffolding to make their ascent, all while fending off winged Fae warriors and archers cunningly disguised as stone statues. Located at the pinnacle of the tower is the gear assembly responsible for operating the clock. However, at the beginning of every new Losomn adventure, a crucial piece of this assembly will be absent.

The missing gear piece is located in the Lemark District, a distinct zone characterized by its burning buildings. Typically, the entrance to this district can be found in the same map as the Hewdas Clock. However, if not, thoroughly explore all outdoor slum areas to locate it. Inside the district, there is an antiquated clockmaker's workshop filled with broken clocks. Interact with the clock on the workbench and align its arms with the time displayed on the Hewdas Clock. Successfully doing so will provide players with the missing cogwheel.

Once obtained, return to the top of the tower to acquire the Broken Timepiece. Remember to activate the elevator by flipping the power switch, located on one of the walls.

What to Do With The Broken Timepiece

The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Utilizing the Broken Timepiece in Remnant 2

Return to Ward 13 and seek out McCabe. She possesses the ability to transform the Broken Timepiece into the Time Lapse mod, which grants the power to halt time within a confined zone, affecting nearly all adversaries. Engaging frozen enemies within the boundaries of the field will instantly dismantle the time-stopping effect.

The Time Lapse mod stands as an exceptional choice for players desiring a proficient marksman or sniper playstyle. It exposes enemies and renders striking Weakspots a breeze. The mod’s potency is greatly amplified when utilized alongside single-shot weapons such as the Crossbow and Widowmaker, as their formidable damage output often obliterates most targets with a single shot.

Remnant 2 is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.