The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3's vast character-building options have contributed to its success, but the original Dungeons and Dragons offers even more Explore unavailabe subclasses like the Hexblade Warlock, Genie Warlock, Shepherd Druid, Echo Knight Fighter, Peace Domain Cleric, Eloquence Bard, Chronurgy Wizard, and Bladesinging Wizard


Baldur's Gate 3 is a huge success and has brought the world of Dungeons and Dragons to life in a virtual form, staying true to the source material.

The latest edition of Dungeons and Dragons has left out certain subclasses in Baldur's Gate 3, much to the disappointment of fans who have been eagerly requesting the inclusion of the Artificer class. However, there are several other subclasses available in the game that are worth mentioning. These include Warlock - Hexblade, Warlock - The Genie, Druid - Circle of the Shepherd, Fighter - Echo Knight, Cleric - Peace Domain, Bard - College of Eloquence, Wizard - School of Chronurgy, and Wizard - School of Bladesinging.

Baldur's Gate 3 has achieved great success upon its release for PC, surpassing records and establishing itself as the most substantial adaptation of the Forgotten Realms universe to date. Regarded highly by players who are both familiar and new to Dungeons and Dragons, Baldur's Gate 3 has seamlessly bridged the gap between tabletop roleplaying and video gaming by staying true to the original source material. Widely hailed as one of the most significant RPG experiences ever, there are, however, certain aspects inspired by the Fifth Edition that were not incorporated into the game.

Specifically, Baldur's Gate 3 deviates from its commitment to faithfully translating the tabletop features into virtual form by excluding several subclasses available in the latest edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Despite consistent fan requests for the inclusion of the entire Artificer class, it is absent from the game. Nonetheless, newer players may not be aware that the game offers various variations of the base classes, thereby still providing a diverse range of options.

Warlock - Hexblade

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

Warlock - The Genie

Hexblades, consisting of Warlocks who have forged a pact with a powerful entity from the Shadowfell, are renowned for their ability to wield weapons of shadow that possess sentience. Through their Hexblades' Curse, they can debuff their enemies and even receive healing in return. Additionally, their subclass feature, Hex Warrior, empowers one weapon to incorporate the player's Charisma modifier for more effective attacks, a feature that can be utilized alongside any weapon conjured through the Pact of the Blade. As Hexblades progress, they unlock the Accursed Scepter ability, granting them the ability to summon a scepter infused with the soul of a defeated adversary, functioning as a loyal familiar.

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

This subclass offers a unique take on the Warlock class in Dungeons and Dragons. It involves a Warlock entering into a pact with a prestigious noble Genie, shifting the traditional power dynamic between mortals and Genies. Unlike the usual scenario where Genies are bound into servitude, this pact heavily favors the Genie, who bestows their immense power upon the Warlock. Through Bottled Respite, members of this subclass can gain entry into a special Genie’s Vessel, while Sanctuary Vessel allows multiple individuals to also find refuge inside and potentially benefit from a short rest. The Genie’s Limited Wish and Wish spells, which are capable of circumventing certain game mechanics, offer some of the most extraordinary possibilities in the game.

Druid - Circle of the Shepherd

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

Deeply connected with both beasts and fey, DnD Druid builds of this subclass prioritize safeguarding vulnerable creatures in nature. With the Spirit Totem feature, this subclass can summon spirits that provide various enhancements within auras created at the summoning location. Subsequent features further enhance the defensive and offensive abilities of these spirits. Showcasing the subclass's core philosophy, Faithful Summons empowers Circle of the Shepherd Druids to summon four beast familiars using the effects of Conjure Animals at level nine when the player reaches zero hit points or becomes incapacitated.

Fighter - Echo Knight

Note: Result may vary depending on personal writing style and interpretation.

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

Echo Knights in DnD are enigmatic warriors proficient in manipulating the fabric of time. By summoning ethereal echoes from alternate timelines, these warriors gain powerful allies in the midst of battle. The Manifest Echo ability enables the summoning of a spectral companion that can seamlessly switch places with the player, launching opportune attacks. Furthermore, the Unleash Incarnation ability enhances offensive capabilities, while the Shadow Martyr ability strengthens defenses, making the echoes formidable assets. Reclaim Potential grants temporary hit points upon an echo's demise, whereas the Echo Avatar feature permits players to perceive the world through the senses of the echo, enabling complete control. And, to further augment the prowess of these martial Fighters, the Legion of One ability allows the summoning of an additional echo, enhancing their strength on the battlefield.

Cleric - Peace Domain

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

Worshippers of various deities representing peace across different pantheons,

Bard - College of Eloquence

are regarded as one of the most formidable support subclasses. By employing the Emboldening Bond action, these Peace Domain Clerics have the ability to bolster attack rolls based on the proximity of allied forces. Above all else, they prioritize fostering cooperation among teammates. The Protective Bond feature enables allies to teleport and absorb damage on behalf of their friends, exemplifying the Clerics' invaluable assistance in asserting dominance on the battlefield.

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

Masters of persuasive communication, Bards in this subclass have perfected the art of oration by skillfully combining logical reasoning and emotional appeal. With the Silver Tongue feature, any roll of 9 or lower on a d20 Persuasion or Charisma check is automatically considered a 10. Additionally, as a bonus action, Bards can use Unsettling Words to weaken a creature's saving throws within range. Through Unfailing Inspiration and the enhanced Infectious Inspiration ability, allies can be empowered in the traditional Bardic fashion. However, it is the College of Eloquence that truly excels as the voice of a group, thanks to the Universal Speech feature, which enables temporary communication across languages.

Wizard - School of Chronurgy

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

Wizards skilled in the art of manipulating time itself, Chronurgy students possess the ability to shape the battlefield to their advantage. With Chronal Shift, players can compel a creature to repeat a roll and utilize the second outcome, while Momentary Stasis can temporarily incapacitate a creature, rendering it completely immobile. Breaking the traditional mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons, Arcane Abeyance allows the compression of a spell into a bead, which can then be employed by any creature to cast the spell as an action. The most formidable trait of the Chronurgy Wizard is known as Convergent Future – an action with the power to decisively determine the outcome of rolls within a 60-foot radius of the caster.

Wizard - School of Bladesinging

The Ultimate Guide to Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons 5E Subclasses Missing from Baldur's Gate 3

Revolving around the ancient Elven tradition of Wizardry, students belonging to the School of Bladesinging master the art of combining graceful dance with impeccable swordplay, all while harnessing the power of magic. This subclass offers a remarkably uncomplicated yet enriched class fantasy. With expertise in lightweight armor and single-handed weapons, the Bladesinger subclass sets itself apart as a rare breed of Wizard, endowed with martial combat abilities. The defining feature of this subclass, the Bladesong, grants various enhancements. Additionally, it enables the wielder to invoke the Song of Defense, a reactionary ability that mitigates damage equivalent to five times the level of the expended spell slot. Moreover, when employing the Song of Victory, the player adds their Intelligence modifier to the damage inflicted by melee weapon attacks.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available for PC and will launch on PlayStation 5 on September 6, 2023.