The Ultimate Guide to Customizing Your Character in Street Fighter 6

Unleash your creative genius in Street Fighter 6 with our ultimate guide to Avatar customization! Learn how to change your appearance, clothes, outfit colors, and save your unique Avatar appearances Dominate the World Tour and Battle Hub with a personalized character that's uniquely you!
Creating a unique Avatar has never been easier in Street Fighter 6, allowing players to strut their stuff in Metro City. If you missed out on the initial character customization option, don't worry - modifying your Avatar is a breeze in any mode. With our guide, you'll be able to craft a fighter that will make others jealous. Just follow these steps and let your creativity soar.
How to Change the Avatar
In Street Fighter 6, players can personalize their Avatar's appearance by visiting the Body Shop. Changing the character's look comes at a cost, which can be paid using in-game money. Depending on the mode, players will either need to use Zenny or Drive Tickets to customize their character. The good news is that there are no restrictions on how many times the customization can be repeated, giving players the freedom to experiment with different looks.
Avatar Customization in the World Tour
Customization is a key aspect of Street Fighter 6's story mode, the World Tour. Players have the option to alter their character's appearance by paying a fee of 1,000 Zenny at designated locations. In Metro City, two such spots are available - Style Lab in Beat Square and Dr. L's Beauty Salon in Old Nayshall. These locations offer players the opportunity to customize their character's face and body to their liking.
Avatar Customization in the Battle Hub
Looking to switch up your Battle Hub avatar? It's easy! Simply head over to the Body Shop clerk, Sylphy, who can be found in the back of the hub next to the minigame machines. For just 50 Drive Tickets, she'll be happy to help you customize your avatar to your liking. Say goodbye to the default World Tour avatar and hello to a new and improved look!
How to Change Clothes
Players can customize their outfits in the World Tour mode by visiting one of the Apparel Stores in Metro City. The Drippin’ Style Clothing Store, located in Beat Square, and Nayshall’s Wear, near the Haggar Stadium, are two options available. It’s important to note that outfits in the World Tour mode are considered fighting gear, impacting an Avatar’s stats. Pairing outfits with specific items can help players maximize their character’s power.
How to Change Outfit Colors
To alter the color of your clothing in the game, you need to obtain Dye which can be collected by defeating certain enemies or looting crates. Once you have enough Dye in your inventory, you can visit an Apparel Shop and access the "Change Color" option to modify your attire's shade. However, certain colors may need more than one Dye with varying hues.
How to Save and Load Avatar Appearances
One of the new features in Street Fighter 6 is the ability for players to save multiple Avatars and easily switch between them. This can be done by accessing the Recipe menu in the character customization screen, where players can save their creations in different slots. Once saved, these Avatars can be loaded from any Body Shop at any time, giving players the freedom to switch up their look whenever they want.
Street Fighter 6 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X & S.