New Street Fighter 6 Outfits Unveiled for All 18 Characters

Get ready to level up your Street Fighter experience with Outfit 2 designs for all 18 characters in Street Fighter 6, brought to you by Capcom With nods to classic games thrown into the mix, these new outfits are set to impress fans old and new alike
Capcom has recently released a video showcasing the second versions of all Street Fighter 6 characters' outfits. The new outfits are a blend of fresh designs for the newcomers and nostalgic throwbacks to games such as Street Fighter 2 and Street Fighter 3 - 3rd Strike. Street Fighter 6, the highly-anticipated next entry in the Capcom fighting game series, introduces a customization feature that allows players to create avatars to battle against other fighters. The game brings several new mechanics and takes a more stylish approach compared to its predecessors, which can be appreciated when players land hits or use its unique Drive System. This stylish approach is also evident in the game's cosmetics, whether new or returning.
Capcom has unveiled Outfit 2 designs for all 18 fighters featured in Street Fighter 6's roster through a teaser trailer. The designs showcase outfits that pay homage to the fighters' appearances across various Street Fighter entries. Ryu and Ken sport their Street Fighter 3 - 3rd Strike looks, while Chun-Li, Blanka, E. Honda, Zangief, and Dhalsim bring their Street Fighter 2 designs. Dee Jay and Cammy make a debut appearance in their Super Street Fighter 2 costumes, and Juri's outfit from Street Fighter 5 also makes a comeback.
In addition to the returning fighters, the newcomers in Street Fighter 6 will feature their unique cosmetics for Outfit 2. These include Luke's prequel comics appearance, JP's stylish playboy costume, Manon's elegant outfit, and Jamie's new sports-inspired look. Players can unlock each of these outfits by playing through the World Tour mode, or they can purchase them using Fighter Coins if they prefer to equip their mains with their favorite Outfit 2 sooner.
Since its announcement, Street Fighter 6 has generated a lot of excitement among fans. The game has been receiving great reviews and has only increased the anticipation for its launch. This level of enthusiasm has set a high standard for other games like Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, Mortal Kombat 1, and Tekken 8 to match. Players can look forward to getting their hands on Street Fighter 6, which is scheduled for release on June 2, 2022, on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.