The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring the Coveted Purple Chimney Item in Remnant 2

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring the Coveted Purple Chimney Item in Remnant 2

Unlock the mystery of the elusive purple item in Remnant 2's challenging dungeon, The Chimney, with our comprehensive guide Overcome obstacles, discover hidden secrets, and claim your ultimate reward!

Remnant 2: Chimney Purple Item Guide

The Chimney, a dungeon in Remnant 2 found within the vast world of Yaesha, presents an intriguing challenge for players on their exploration journey. At the culmination of this dungeon, avid fans will stumble upon a peculiar purple item marked on the map, only to realize that it eludes their grasp when they reach its designated location. Although this predicament may instigate frustration, obtaining the coveted purple item in The Chimney dungeon of Remnant 2 is actually quite feasible. To assist players in this endeavor, the following guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the process.

After reaching the end of The Chimney dungeon, players should ascend the spiral until they reach the marked position with the purple item. Soulslike fans who continue climbing will soon come across a root bridge, where they should position themselves near the center. From here, players should look to the right and slightly upward to locate a glowing orb on the far wall. The exact position of this object can be seen in the images below.

Once the orb is found, players simply need to shoot it with any gun in Remnant 2. This will cause the purple item to fall, and fans can then descend the spiral to collect the Downward Spiral amulet from the ground. For those who are curious, this amulet increases Fire Rate by 10% and Melee Attack Speed by 15% when equipped. It also grants additional Ranged and Melee Damage based on the amount of health the hero is missing.