The Ultimate Genshin Impact Fatui Operatives Handbook
Discover effective strategies and locations to defeat the formidable Fatui Operatives in Genshin Impact, who are known to drop essential weapon ascension materials
In Genshin Impact's 4.1 update, players can expect a wealth of fresh content. This includes new areas to explore, additional characters to meet, and a variety of new enemies to face. Among these enemies are the Fatui Operatives, a new category of elite foes. These operatives come in two different variants, each with their own unique set of moves that players must be attentive to during battles.
Defeating Fatui Operatives will yield valuable rewards. Players will have the opportunity to obtain items such as the Old Operative's Pocket Watch, Operative's Standard Pocket Watch, and Operative's Constancy. These items play a crucial role in enhancing specific weapons like The Dockhand's Assistant (a sword) and Cashflow Supervision (a catalyst), which is Wriothesley's signature weapon. Since Fatui Operatives are not readily available in the game, players who wish to upgrade these weapons are strongly advised to begin farming them in Genshin Impact at the earliest opportunity.
How To Defeat Fatui Operatives
Dealing with Fatui Operatives is usually straightforward as they don't have any specific elemental immunity. However, they have higher HP compared to regular enemies, which means battles against them can take longer. There are two types of operatives: Wind and Frost Fatui Operatives. Wind Fatui Operatives use Anemo attacks with a larger area of effect, while Frost Fatui Operatives use Cryo attacks. It's important to note that if players don't avoid Frost Fatui Operatives' attacks, especially near shorelines, they may be frozen frequently. Overall, although battles against Fatui Operatives may be longer due to their higher HP, they shouldn't pose a significant challenge, especially if players are prepared for their elemental attacks.
Both variants of Fatui Operatives have a common attack called "Hunt Down," which marks the active character. If a character is hit by this attack, they will be affected by the "Bond of Life" mechanic, similar to certain weapon abilities with the same effect. Bond of Life prevents the character from regenerating HP, similar to recent weapons that have this restriction. While this effect naturally fades over time, players can quickly remove it by visiting a Statue of The Seven or by healing their character to exceed the HP indicated by the Bond of Life. Once the character's HP is restored beyond this threshold, the effect will automatically be removed.
Fatui Operative Locations
To optimize the farming of Fatui Operatives, it is strongly advised for players to incorporate a healer into their party. This strategic choice will eliminate the necessity of frequently visiting the Statues of The Seven.
Currently, there are a total of 8 places where players have the opportunity to encounter Fatui Operatives. This count takes into account both variations, but excludes the Local Legend variation known as Yseut the Cold Hand. The majority of these locations can be found along the shoreline in the Liffey region, while a few isolated spots are situated near the Fontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy.
If your browser doesn't support the video tag, you can still track limited numbers of Wind Fatui Operatives (identified in green) and Frost Fatui Operatives (identified in light blue) by using the Adventurer's Handbook. This will help ensure that you don't miss out on any of them. Watch the video above to see the route for finding these operatives.
In the Liffey region, players can efficiently navigate through the 6 Fatui Operatives by starting their journey from the Statue of The Seven within this region and heading west towards the shoreline. Along the way, they will come across two of these operatives: the first one standing alone, and the second one positioned within a group of other Fatui members at a camp just before a waterfall. Upon passing the waterfall, players will immediately come across two more operatives. One can be found on the middle island formation, while the other is located along the shoreline of the main Mont Esus East area.
From this point forward, players have two options to reach the last two operatives. They can either continue along the road or opt for the nearby teleport point to the northwest and then head north following the designated route. If they choose to follow the road, they will come across another patrolling Fatui Operative near a Fatui camp (though not within the camp itself). Afterwards, they need to venture straight north off the road in order to locate the final Fatui Operative, who is perched on a cliff alongside some Crystalflies.
When targeting the individual Fatui Operatives, it is recommended for players to utilize the nearby teleport points as these operatives are in close proximity to them. To find the first standalone operative, players can teleport to the northeasternmost point (located north of the Central Laboratory Ruins). There, they will discover the Fatui Operative situated in a small camp to the west, accompanied by some other Fatui Skirmishers.
To locate the final standalone operative, players should teleport to the point north of the New Fontaine Research Institute. From this teleport point, they should proceed in a northeast direction, passing through the valley. Eventually, they will come across the Fatui Operative on a cliff near the current regional borders.
Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact, created by MiHoYo, is an open-world RPG that revolves around the interactions of seven elements. This free-to-play gacha game offers a vast array of characters, weapons, regions, and much more.
Platform(s) Mobile, iOS, Android, PC, PS4, PS5Released September 28, 2020Developer(s) HoYoverse (Formerly miHoYo)Engine UnityESRB T for Teen - Fantasy Violence, Alcohol Reference