The Ultimate Egyptian God of War Weapon: An Epic Transformation for Kratos
Prepare for a thrilling journey as God of War sets its sights on Egypt! With a rich arsenal of historic weaponry, Kratos is poised to wield the mighty Egyptian Khopesh, Mace, and Spear Unleash the power of these iconic weapons as you embark on a new epic adventure
The God of War franchise has evolved from a hack-and-slash adventure to an emotional cinematic experience that may transition to mythological Egypt.
The Leviathan Axe has gained iconic status in the last two games, showcasing the significant evolution of the franchise. If the game eventually transitions to Egypt, it is likely that Kratos will wield a fresh weapon. Potential Egyptian weapons for Kratos in an upcoming installment could include the Khopesh, a curved blade; the mace, a formidable bludgeoning weapon; and the spear, offering a different combat experience.
The God of War franchise has undergone significant changes since its humble beginnings on the PS2. It has transformed from a hack-and-slash adventure set in the Greek pantheon to an emotional and cinematic experience that explores various mythologies. The indications suggest that God of War will now venture into a new pantheon, with ancient Egyptian mythology emerging as a strong contender. Despite the lack of official news on a new project, the future of God of War appears just as ambitious as ever.
In 2018, Santa Monica Studio took a bold risk with God of War by not only removing Kratos from the Greek world he had ravaged in the previous trilogy but also making substantial changes to the gameplay mechanics. One of these changes was introducing Kratos' new primary weapon, the Leviathan Axe. This Norse battle axe has since become an iconic feature in the last two God of War titles, demonstrating the significant evolution of the franchise. If God of War is indeed heading to Egypt, it is likely that Kratos will receive another new weapon that suits the new setting. While it is too early to determine what that weapon might be, there are several options rooted in ancient Egyptian history.
Egyptian Khopesh in God of War
Ancient Egyptian weaponry can appear relatively unremarkable when compared to those of the Norse and ancient Greeks, yet one particular weapon emerges as the epitome of the era. The Khopesh, characterized by its curved blade and the amalgamation of sword and battle axe properties, continues to be renowned as an emblematic ancient Egyptian weapon. If Santa Monica Studio were to incorporate the Khopesh as Kratos' weapon of choice in the mythological Egypt setting, it could signify a progression from the Leviathan Axe. Having wielded the Norse weapon with remarkable prowess, Kratos could demonstrate an elevated level of finesse and ruthlessness with the uniquely shaped Khopesh.
Egyptian Mace in God of War
Throughout the God of War series, Kratos has wielded a myriad of weapons. From the Blades of Chaos to the Blade of Olympus, he has relied on bladed weapons to swiftly dispatch his enemies. However, if an Egypt-themed God of War game were to be developed, it could introduce a fresh concept by incorporating a bludgeoning weapon into Kratos' arsenal. The mace, consisting of a large stone or metal attached to a stick, may be a primitive weapon, but it played a significant role in ancient Egyptian warfare. In this new installment, the mace could transform into an exceptionally brutal tool, enhancing the intensity of Kratos' epic adventures.
Egyptian Spear in God of War
The spear, despite conflicting with the close combat focus of the God of War franchise, holds great significance in Egyptian mythology. The Spear of Ra is a formidable weapon in mythology and introducing a similar spear in an Egyptian-themed God of War game could offer a refreshing change. Just as the transition from the Blades of Chaos to the Leviathan Axe brought a different dynamic, a spear could provide a similar shift in gameplay. Moving into the Egyptian pantheon presents an opportunity for Santa Monica Studio to further expand the intense combat experience that has made the God of War franchise so successful. With the success of the 2018 game and the upcoming God of War Ragnarok, fans can only wonder what exciting developments the developer has in store. And if a new weapon is indeed part of their vision, an Egyptian-themed God of War game would have a multitude of options to explore.