The Shocking Truth Behind Fable 4's Hated Trailer

The Shocking Truth Behind Fable 4's Hated Trailer

Fable 4's reveal trailer has sparked a mixed reaction from fans, with many expressing disappointment over the lack of gameplay footage The trailer has received a significant number of dislikes on YouTube, but there are also those who are excited to see what the game has to offer

The trailer for the highly anticipated Fable 4 has received a significant amount of dislikes from viewers. Recently unveiled at the Xbox Games Showcase, the game showcased the beloved world of Albion and its well-known characters. While the plot of Fable 4 has yet to be disclosed, it has been confirmed that players will have the opportunity to shape their own destinies in this RPG. The trailer provided a glimpse of the game's signature humor and satirical approach to fairy tales, as well as introducing a yet-to-be-named swordswoman who battles mythical creatures and a giant named Dave, portrayed by Richard Ayoade. Dave's character has been compared to the giant battle in God of War Ragnarok.

The Fable 4 trailer has garnered significant attention on YouTube, with over 12,000 dislikes and 20,000 likes on Xbox's channel alone. Even IGN's upload saw over 11,000 dislikes compared to 8,000 likes. While the comments were largely positive, some viewers expressed disappointment in the appearance of the heroine. Many have called for character customization, suggesting that they would prefer to create a protagonist to their liking rather than be stuck with the one presented in the trailer. Some even made backhanded comments about the protagonist's appearance, highlighting the potential impact of aesthetics on player engagement.

Some have attributed the negative feedback towards Fable 4's swordswoman to misogynistic tendencies among certain fans. Perhaps they were anticipating a male protagonist or a character with a more conventionally feminine appearance, leading to disappointment upon seeing the trailer. This phenomenon is reminiscent of the outcry from some Horizon fans over Aloy's updated appearance, with demands for her to wear makeup for their own satisfaction.

However, it is important to note that there may be other factors contributing to the backlash against Fable 4. It is possible that fans were underwhelmed by the gameplay showcased in the trailer, or simply had high expectations for the game's quality. Despite this, there are still many fans eagerly anticipating the release of the game, whether it be next year or in 2025.

Fable 4 is in development for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: The Gamer