The Shocking Truth Behind Director's Nerve-Wracking Experience with Saw X Torture Traps

The Shocking Truth Behind Director's Nerve-Wracking Experience with Saw X Torture Traps

The director's anxiety over the Saw X torture traps stemmed from legitimate safety concerns, shedding light on the ominous nature of the franchise's newest and most gruesome additions


Director Kevin Greutert reveals that filming certain trap sequences in Saw X was nerve-wracking due to both safety concerns and worries about the devices looking ridiculous.

The sequel's trailer presents a sneak peek into the franchise's most unsettling traps to date. One such trap appears to electrocute a victim's head, while another ruthlessly shatters fingers. While the other traps in the movie remain shrouded in mystery, the poster hints at a horrifying device involving tubes connected to a victim's eyes, emphasizing the graphic violence and gruesome fatalities that await audiences.

Director Kevin Greutert, known for his work on the Saw franchise, offers a glimpse into the intense and horrifying torture traps in the upcoming sequel. With the series spanning over nine films, and a tenth in the works, the new installment sees the return of Tobin Bell as John Kramer, aka Jigsaw. Greutert shares with SFX Magazine (via GamesRadar) details about the creation of these traps, divulging that some were especially worrisome to film due to safety concerns. Read his entire statement below.

I possess an extensive collection of books centered around medieval torture machines and similar morbid subjects. Occasionally, we immerse ourselves in this material, bouncing ideas off one another. Some of the contraptions have undergone significant transformations from their initial concepts. Additionally, we must contemplate the execution of these ideas. Performing certain tasks made me incredibly anxious, both from a safety standpoint and in terms of how it would appear to others.

In comparison to the previous Saw films, this particular installment required significant testing. Most of the testing occurred during the pre-production phase, but we ended up dividing the shooting process into two parts: three weeks in November and three weeks in January. The complexity of the project necessitated the creation of numerous prosthetics and machinery. Throughout the Christmas period, our entire focus was dedicated to solving these challenges.

What We Know About Saw X's Gruesome New Traps

The Shocking Truth Behind Director's Nerve-Wracking Experience with Saw X Torture Traps

The recent Saw X trailer provided a glimpse into the horrifying devices that will be featured in the upcoming film. Although many details about the traps remain undisclosed, it can be inferred from the trailer that they are some of the most disturbing in the franchise. In the trailer, the main character, Kramer, who had believed his tumor was removed at a specialized facility, discovers it was a deceitful act. Fueled by revenge, he subjects each person involved in the scam to various torturous machines.

One notable scene in the trailer showcases a doctor, portrayed by Octavia Hinojosa, with his head caught in an electrification device. The metal framework is covered in numerous wires, indicating that failure to complete a designated task – in this case, extracting fragments of his own brain – could result in his entire head being subjected to electric shocks. Another excruciating device briefly depicted in the trailer involves wires attached to a victim's fingers, with a glimpse of one of the wires forcefully pulling a finger backward and causing it to snap.

The Saw X poster reveals a new trap where tubes are connected to the victim's eyes, but it remains unknown what will flow through these tubes. The details of other traps are still undisclosed, but the trailer confirms that they will result in significant bloodshed. Like its predecessors, Saw X is rated R, indicating that audiences will witness the gruesome demise of Kramer's deceivers.