Unleashing the Terrifying Power of Magic: A Hidden Gem in the Horror Franchise

Unleashing the Terrifying Power of Magic: A Hidden Gem in the Horror Franchise

Unleash the chilling power of the Wishmaster franchise as it weaves sinister tales using dark magic Explore the series' captivating horror across multiple movies and discover the very best films that will leave you trembling with fear

The '90s saw the rise of numerous horror movies that continue to receive adoration and recognition today. Films like Scream, The Craft, Misery, and The Blair Witch Project are often hailed as classics. However, there is one horror franchise, The Wishmaster, that may not be as well-known as its counterparts. Nevertheless, the tale of a chilling genie who materializes after three wishes remains just as captivating now as it did back then. While the franchise may be deemed cheesy, its antagonist exudes a fittingly sinister and terrifying presence. Even the first installment, released in 1997, still captivates audiences to this day.

The Wishmaster franchise encompasses some of the most enjoyable horror movies from the '90s, making them worth revisiting. Each film in the series employs magic in a captivating and eerie manner, yet the franchise remains underappreciated.

What Is The Wishmaster Franchise?

Unleashing the Terrifying Power of Magic: A Hidden Gem in the Horror Franchise

In the 1997 horror film Wishmaster, notable figures in the horror genre, Wes Craven and Robert Englund, take part. Wes Craven serves as the producer of the movie, while Robert Englund portrays Raymond Beaumont, one of the central characters. The film introduces audiences to the existence of mysterious and terrifying creatures through a narrator voiced by Angus Scrimm. When an individual inadvertently awakens a djinn, one of these creatures, they are granted three wishes. However, upon reaching the third wish, the djinn is unleashed upon the world, able to roam freely on Earth. Wishmaster follows the story of Raymond, who is employed on a ship. Although Robert Englund is best recognized for his portrayal of the iconic horror movie villain Freddy Krueger in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, he has established himself as a prominent figure in the horror genre, recently appearing as Victor Creel in the fourth season of Netflix's Stranger Things.

The Dijinn, also known as "The Wishmaster," not only captivates viewers with Robert Englund's performance, but also establishes itself as a truly unforgettable slasher movie villain. With a terrifying appearance, this sinister genie patiently awaits individuals to exhaust their third wish before descending upon Earth to inflict harm.

There are key aspects about The Dijinn that fans should be aware of. Their invincibility renders them exceptionally perilous, and their knack for manipulating individuals into specific actions adds to their malevolence. Despite not receiving as much recognition as other '90s horror villains, The Dijinn is far from being one of the worst.

How Many Wishmaster Movies Are There?

Unleashing the Terrifying Power of Magic: A Hidden Gem in the Horror Franchise

Both Wishmaster 3 and Wishmaster: The Prophecy Fulfilled are direct-to-video sequels, which often indicates a lower quality. Unfortunately, neither of these movies live up to the promise of the original from 1997. Instead, they feel like more of the same and fail to stand out.

Andrew Divoff, who portrayed The Dijinn in Wishmaster, has expressed his fondness for the franchise. In a 2017 interview with Dread Central, he expressed his willingness to continue playing the original horror movie villain. Divoff expressed his satisfaction in the fact that the franchise has endured and that both the production teams and studios have shown faith in the character. However, he also believes that there is untapped potential in exploring the depths of what a Djinn movie could offer. Divoff further mentioned the enjoyment he derives from fans speculating and sharing different wishes and ways in which the Wishmaster could deceive someone, highlighting the limitless possibilities that exist within the concept.

Which Wishmaster Movies Are The Best?

Unleashing the Terrifying Power of Magic: A Hidden Gem in the Horror Franchise

Wishmaster stands out among the underappreciated '90s horror movies, offering a unique and captivating fantasy world within the franchise. The 1997 release of the first Wishmaster film is often regarded as the best, providing horror enthusiasts with the opportunity to witness Robert Englund's stellar performance once again.

What makes Wishmaster particularly appealing is its cheesy horror element. While it may have received low ratings on Rotten Tomatoes - a 25% rating on the Tomatometer based on 25 reviews and a 39% Audience Score based on more than 25,000 ratings - it is important to note that the '90s was considered a challenging decade for horror movies. Nonetheless, Wishmaster manages to stand the test of time, offering an enjoyable experience that allows audiences to delve into the intriguing world of dijinns.