The Shocking Truth About Modern Warfare 2's Crossbow

The Shocking Truth About Modern Warfare 2's Crossbow

Unforeseen limitation of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Crossbow uncovered - may discourage usage among players

Players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are always on the lookout for ways to gain an edge over their opponents, often testing different builds and loadouts. The addition of the Crossbow to the Marksman Rifle category in Season 2 provided a new option for players seeking a stealthy and lethal approach. However, a recent discovery by one player has shed light on an unexpected drawback that others should be aware of before utilizing the weapon in gameplay.

While playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, a Reddit user named Wide_Riot made an interesting discovery with the crossbow. As it turns out, players cannot kill downed enemies with regular crossbow bolts. This means that enemy players have the ability to revive themselves if they have the Survivor Ultimate Perk. Many players were surprised by this drawback of the crossbow and a discussion about it ensued on the game's subreddit. Another player on Reddit also shared an interesting fact about an operator in the game. In a video shared on the subreddit, viewers can see how the player downs their enemy and keeps shooting at them with multiple arrows without causing any damage, allowing the enemy to use a self-revive stick and stand up again. This post sparked a discussion among Reddit users about the game's current state, with many making fun of the video and others claiming that the game is still broken despite having a large budget and a staff of over one hundred developers.

Some Reddit users have expressed their belief that a bug has been persisting for more than a month, while others have raised concerns about the Survivor perk and its impact on the game. They argue that it allows unskilled players to survive situations that would have otherwise led to their demise. As a result, players who use the Crossbow may need to consider equipping a Semtex charge or a powerful secondary weapon to finish off downed enemies until the developers address the issue with a Crossbow buff. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.