Insane Shotgun Attachment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Insane Shotgun Attachment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's Shotgun Attachments Draw Criticism for Their Outlandish Appearance in Gameplay

A recent online image has revealed the absurd appearance of one of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's shotgun attachments. As the game's weapon camos have become increasingly outlandish, this particular attachment has left gamers especially taken aback. Upon the game's initial release, players were dissatisfied with its approach to attachments, marking the start of a series of criticisms from the community. Despite efforts from developer Infinity Ward to address player concerns, the game has struggled to overcome its early reputation, with the studio at times creating more issues than it resolves.

Redditor KrUpTeD79 recently shared a photo of a rather unusual attachment for the Lockwood 300 shotgun in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The attachment combines a long barrel with a silencer, resulting in a weapon that looks more like a pole vault than a deadly firearm. Some users have even joked that it looks almost unusable. While the game does offer a range of weapon customization options, this particular attachment stands out as particularly ridiculous. One player even shared a humorous story about how enemies could easily spot them while using this build due to the entire barrel of the gun popping out from every corner. Despite its silliness, this build could still be viable in a mode like Shipment 24/7, where camping is nearly impossible.

Greater customization in Call of Duty games has been warmly received by gamers, who have come up with many great ideas on how the franchise can push this element further. One such idea is the reintroduction of custom emblems, which could potentially breathe new life into the game. However, Infinity Ward seems to be sticking to its current approach when it comes to cosmetics. With the next Call of Duty installment set for release in 2023, hopefully, Sledgehammer will take a customization-led approach and offer players more options than ever before. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.