The Secret Side Hustle of Street Fighter 6 Pros on World Tour

The Secret Side Hustle of Street Fighter 6 Pros on World Tour

Discover the secret to mastering Street Fighter 6 with part-time jobs! These jobs offer a fun and rewarding way to learn the game's nuanced mechanics Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your skills and dominate the competition!

Street Fighter 6 offers players a variety of game modes to choose from, catering to different preferences. For those who enjoy the classic approach, the Fighting Ground provides Arcade, Training, and Combo Trials. On the other hand, the Battle Hub is designed for online play, featuring multiple servers with arcade cabinets that can be accessed by anyone in the lobby. For a solo adventure, World Tour mode allows players to create their own characters and embark on a global quest for strength. Unlike Arcade mode, World Tour offers a semi-open world experience that subtly teaches players the game mechanics. In addition to traditional fights, this mode also includes unique features such as part-time jobs that add a fun twist to the gameplay.

Part-Time Jobs Make Learning Street Fighter 6 Fun And Rewarding

The Secret Side Hustle of Street Fighter 6 Pros on World Tour

By completing the "Part-Time Party Time" side quest in Chapter 7's Mike Haggar Memorial Stadium mission, players can explore the exciting world of part-time jobs in Street Fighter 6. These jobs are accessed by visiting marked areas in Metro City and Old Nayshall and interacting with the individuals present. The various minigames available include breaking elevated boards in Kung Fu Target and slicing bottles with charge attack movements in KA RA TE. These engaging activities allow players to hone their skills in a more entertaining way than simply practicing against a dummy in Training mode. Additionally, these part-time jobs offer substantial rewards including high scores and a significant amount of Zenny, the game's currency, making it a lucrative way to earn money while improving core skills.

How Street Fighter 6's Part-Time Jobs Can Still Improve

The Secret Side Hustle of Street Fighter 6 Pros on World Tour

One way that Capcom can improve the implementation of part-time jobs in Street Fighter 6 is by incorporating them into the Training mode. This would make them more accessible to players, as currently the only way to access them is by traveling to them individually in World Tour mode. Since Street Fighter 6 operates on an account-based system, players' high scores and Zenny could also be transferred into their World Tour experience. Additionally, adding new part-time jobs that focus on specific skills, such as holding attacks while performing other movements or closing distance while avoiding projectiles, could be a valuable addition to the game. With Capcom's commitment to continuing to add to the World Tour mode, there is great potential for further improvements and additions to part-time jobs.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.