The Rebel Moon Dilemma: A Clash of Release Dates and Expectations

The Rebel Moon Dilemma: A Clash of Release Dates and Expectations

A deep dive into the challenges and opportunities surrounding the release of Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon film series.

The Clash of Release Dates

Zack Snyder's newest film, Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child Of Fire, is an epic space opera in keeping with the director's thrilling style, but Rebel Moon: Part Two is now releasing dangerously close to the first movie. The first film hit select theaters on December 15th not with a bang but with a limp thud. Currently sporting a mere 21% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes, breaking Zack Snyder's previous record for worst Rotten Tomatoes score, Rebel Moon: Part One has been criticized for prioritizing flashy visuals over storytelling or originality.

A composite image of Kora and other characters from Rebel Moon

A composite image of Kora and other characters from Rebel Moon

Snyder has a chance to turn the situation around, though, as Rebel Moon: Part Two - The Scargiver is set for an April 2024 release. The only problem is that this date is far too close to the release of Part One.

Bae Doona and Michiel Huisman in Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Bae Doona and Michiel Huisman in Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

One of Rebel Moon's problems was its focus on worldbuilding over the story; Snyder himself admits that the first film was mainly setup, ending on a cliffhanger that leads into Part Two. Given this, the second film has the potential to be better than its predecessor. With characters and universe already established by Part One, the second Rebel Moon film will be able to focus on telling a story rather than explaining the context of Snyder's fantasy world. However, the reception to the first movie has dealt considerable damage to the sequel's chances. Netflix may be hoping that a speedy release of Rebel Moon: Part Two will heal that damage, but it would be wiser for the company to wait.

The Risky Release Strategy

Even if Rebel Moon were underwhelming, its final cliffhanger could be enough to attract viewers for the second installment. Snyder and Netflix need to take advantage of this by allowing anticipation to build up between films; after a while, audiences may forget about the aspects of the first movie that seemed dull or derivative, but no one forgets a good cliffhanger. This is doubly true if Snyder releases his R-rated cut of Child of Fire before The Scargiver comes out; if the director's cut drums up more interest, The Scargiver could be looking at a warmer reception than its predecessor.

If audiences didn't like A Child of Fire, releasing The Scargiver only a few months later won't do the franchise any favors; Netflix will only be giving viewers more of something they didn't find interesting the first time. Now is the time to start promoting the second Rebel Moon film, teasing its story, and highlighting the things that critics did enjoy about the first movie, such as the fight scenes and the acting. Given enough time, the less satisfactory aspects of A Child of Fire will fade from memory, and audiences will be more inclined to give The Scargiver the benefit of the doubt.

The Potential and Pitfalls

With luck, Rebel Moon: Part One will eventually be remembered as a clumsy start to a good franchise. There are plenty of science fiction sequels that have topped their originals, and Rebel Moon: Part Two has the potential to become one of them; though Snyder's work is famously divisive (to say the least), he has made some truly great films in his time, and there's a reason he's amassed a stronghold of devoted fans.

However, if the release plan proceeds as scheduled, with The Scargiver premiering on April 19th of 2024, interest may be killed off before Rebel Moon has its chance to shine.