The Next Chapter Unveiled: Alan Wake 2 Introduces Co-Protagonist Saga Anderson in an Epic Game!

The Next Chapter Unveiled: Alan Wake 2 Introduces Co-Protagonist Saga Anderson in an Epic Game!

Remedy developers shed light on the captivating role of new co-protagonist Saga Anderson, an FBI profiler, in the highly anticipated horror sequel Alan Wake 2 Get ready to delve into a thrilling narrative as Anderson's inclusion promises to be a game-changer

A growing trend in media, legacy sequels combine new characters with familiar faces to create a fresh installment in a well-established, though often inactive, franchise. Despite the expansion of Remedy's Connected Universe since the original Alan Wake, the considerable time gap since a thorough exploration of The Dark Place gives the impression that the new Alan Wake 2 shares a kindred spirit with movies like Top Gun: Maverick or Blade Runner 2049.

And naturally, it brings about challenges commonly faced by legacy sequels. Not only does the game need to re-engage fans of the original Alan Wake who may have hazy memories of their gaming experiences, but Remedy's Connected Universe has also grown with the success of the popular 2019 game Control. Thus, for Alan Wake 2, it became crucial to catch up both old and new audiences on the life and adventures of the titular character, Alan Wake. Game Rant interviewed game director Kyle Rowley and principal narrative designer Molly Maloney to delve into this specific aspect.

Remedy addresses this potential issue in Alan Wake 2 by introducing a second protagonist, Saga Anderson. Saga serves as a contrast to Alan Wake, who was trapped in the shadowy dimension of The Dark Place at the end of the first game. Maloney describes Saga as an outsider, offering a strong point of view for new players.

“Her perspective is incredibly valuable. Consider this: Alan has been immersed in this world for 13 years. He's a man on the brink, doing his best. But our best isn't always... well, it's complicated. Saga's outsider point of view serves as an important contrast to that experience. Additionally, she allows us to return to those beloved locations that fans are eager to revisit, like Cauldron Lake and Bright Falls. The switch between their stories offers a truly refreshing and valuable moment."

Saga, an FBI profiler, is dispatched to Bright Falls, Washington to investigate a series of enigmatic homicides. Although her background remains largely undisclosed, Saga has earned a renowned reputation within the FBI for her exceptional aptitude in unraveling the most perplexing mysteries. Her presence was briefly alluded to in Quantum Break, a critically acclaimed 2016 game set in Remedy's Connected Universe.

The Next Chapter Unveiled: Alan Wake 2 Introduces Co-Protagonist Saga Anderson in an Epic Game!

While Remedy was aware of concerns regarding the inclusion of Saga as a co-protagonist in a game named after Alan Wake, developers are confident that this risk will pay off. Rowley reassures fans that there will still be plenty of Alan in the game as well.

"We did discuss the worry of creating an Alan Wake game where players only control him half the time. That's why it was crucial for us to have a 50/50 balance between the two characters. Additionally, Alan is also present in other parts of the game, not just in The Dark Place. We have already showcased some of that in trailers, so fans can rest assured that there is enough Alan."

One result of the dual protagonist approach in Alan Wake 2 was the necessity to create a unified gameplay experience that is reflected in different situations, whether the player is controlling Alan or Saga. Concern also arose regarding the mechanics used exclusively by one protagonist, as this could potentially lead to players encountering new systems later in the game if they relied more heavily on one character. Rowley explained how the mirrored experience functions in Alan Wake 2, aiming to achieve a balance where both characters' worlds feel distinct yet not overly unfamiliar. This is achieved through Saga's mind place and Alan's writer's room, as well as Saga's case board and Alan's plot board. While the mechanics are similar, players do not need to relearn how to play the game. However, the context and objectives differ significantly.

The Next Chapter Unveiled: Alan Wake 2 Introduces Co-Protagonist Saga Anderson in an Epic Game!

The mechanics in both Saga and Alan bring together diverse contexts, and this unification extends to the narrative as well, according to Maloney. Each character has their own storyline, but these storylines intertwine and intersect throughout the game. While it is not necessary for players to witness all of Alan's experiences at specific moments to comprehend Saga's narrative, and vice versa, doing so adds depth and complexity to the overall story.

"They each have their own individual storyline, but it's the interaction between these two plotlines that gives birth to something entirely new. From a narrative design perspective, we contemplate how to guide a captivating story through the lens of the player's experience. How can we allow the player to steer the story's progression? When we were plotting the segments for both Saga and Alan, an essential aspect was determining the nature of these two elements. While they share a common objective, the focus lies not on what you do, but rather on how you go about it and the order in which you tackle it.

To accomplish this, we implemented several narrative swap points that can be likened to exits on a freeway. These points allow players to seamlessly switch between Saga and Alan at crucial moments as they delve into the mysterious happenings at Cauldron Lake."

Alan Wake 2 releases October 27, 2023, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.