The Last of Us, developed by Naughty Dog, has garnered immense popularity since its release ten years ago. The first installment was a groundbreaking masterpiece that redefined storytelling in the world of gaming. Although The Last of Us Part 2 faced some controversy upon its release, it still received widespread critical acclaim and is held in high esteem. Despite the typical longevity of such beloved franchises, Naughty Dog has demonstrated in the past that it is unafraid to conclude its renowned series. The Last of Us is likely to follow suit, for better or worse.
A brief look into Naughty Dog's portfolio unveils this pattern. After creating four Crash Bandicoot games, the studio transitioned to developing the Jak franchise, which also consisted of three mainline titles and a racing spinoff. However, Naughty Dog eventually abandoned Jak to focus on the immensely successful Uncharted series. Although Uncharted propelled the studio to new heights, it now appears to have reached its conclusion as well. The fourth game in the series tied up Nathan Drake's story neatly, providing a satisfying thematic resolution. While a standalone DLC featuring the beloved character Chloe gave the game a final tribute, it existed as a separate narrative rather than a continuation of the main storyline.
Naughty Dog Likes To End Its Stories
While some may find the conclusion of the Uncharted series disappointing, it is evident that it has been wrapped up as a comprehensive package. Nathan Drake's story has been fully told, and the four games within the series have thoroughly explored the franchise's premise. Naughty Dog, the developer, has shown great respect for the artistic value of their work and the dedicated fans who adore it. Instead of prolonging the series with subpar games, Naughty Dog has chosen to move on. While bidding farewell to a beloved franchise can be bittersweet, it is preferable to seeing it decline due to unnecessary additions.
The conclusion of a game series does not have to be a negative experience for fans. Although Uncharted has not released a new game since The Lost Legacy in 2017, it has not been neglected either. In 2022, the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection was released, bringing the fourth installment and its standalone DLC to the PS5. This collection also marked the series' debut on PC. Alongside this release, an Uncharted film was premiered. Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, the film proved to be a box office success and was embraced by fans. While the Uncharted series may have reached its conclusion, it remains far from ignored or forgotten.
The Last Of Us Could Share A Similar Fate
The Last of Us has achieved similar success as Uncharted, indicating that its future will likely follow a similar path. The conclusion of the game's second installment strongly suggests the possibility of a third, and a multiplayer spin-off for The Last of Us is currently in development. However, once Ellie's story concludes, it is probable that the franchise will come to an end. This conclusion may be a gradual one, as future games in the series could take several years to create, and there is no guarantee that a third installment would be the final one. It appears evident that Naughty Dog will choose to conclude the series rather than prolonging it.
Fortunately, The Last of Us has already received plenty of additional content, with the HBO show proving to be one of the best video game TV adaptations available. The promise of a multiplayer spin-off also suggests that the developer can continue to support the game through updates and new content, even if a third and ultimate mainline title were to be announced and released soon. Whatever lies ahead for The Last of Us, it is clear that Naughty Dog will wrap up loose ends efficiently and likely end the series with a spectacular finale instead of extending its lifespan.
The Last of Us Part 1 is available now on PC and PS5.