The Impact of a Powerful MCU Weapon on Xandar's History

The Impact of a Powerful MCU Weapon on Xandar's History

Exploring the consequences of a powerful superweapon introduced in What If...? season 2, episode 1, on Xandar's past events in the MCU.


A powerful new superweapon has made its debut in the MCU, altering the course of history in surprising ways. The premiere of What If...? season 2, episode 1, 'What If... Nebula Joined The Nova Corps?', unveiled a game-changing addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This new weapon inadvertently disrupted pivotal moments in Xandar's history, raising thought-provoking questions about its impact on past MCU events.

Nova Corp Nebula (voiced by Karen Gillan) on Xandar in What If Season 2

Nova Corp Nebula (voiced by Karen Gillan) on Xandar in What If Season 2

Warning! This article contains spoilers for What If...? season 2, episode 1, 'What If... Nebula Joined The Nova Corps?'

The first episode of What If...? season 2 delves into an alternate universe where Nebula aligns herself with the Nova Corps. Sworn to protect Xandar, Nebula finds herself working alongside Nova Prime in a world where Ronan the Accuser seizes power and sets his sights on Xandar. The episode introduces a planet-wide shield that Xandar activates to defend against this imminent threat, revealing the existence of a formidable defense mechanism that could have altered the outcomes of past MCU events.

Xandar is attacked by Ronan in Guardians of the Galaxy

Xandar is attacked by Ronan in Guardians of the Galaxy

Xandar's Impenetrable Shield

In the universe of What If...? season 2, episode 1, Xandar deploys a planet-wide shield to safeguard itself from Ronan's onslaught. This shield, with its impenetrable defense capabilities, raises intriguing questions about its absence in past MCU events. Notably, Xandar faced two significant threats in the MCU: Ronan's attack in Guardians of the Galaxy and Thanos' decimation, which occurred off-screen. The absence of the shield during these events prompts a critical examination of its potential impact on Xandar's history.

During the events of Guardians of the Galaxy, the Nova Corps, aided by the Guardians, successfully repelled Ronan's attack without the necessity of a planet-wide shield. However, the shield's absence raises the question of whether it could have significantly eased the defense efforts of the Nova Corps.

In the case of Thanos' decimation of Xandar, the shield's absence becomes even more perplexing. Given the shield's demonstrated ability to withstand Ronan's full power with the Power Stone, its non-utilization during Thanos' assault raises the possibility of a different outcome. While it may not have completely halted Thanos, the shield could have played a pivotal role in preserving Xandar, altering the trajectory of MCU events.

Unveiling Xandar's History

The introduction of the planet-wide shield in What If...? season 2, episode 1, raises the compelling question of why Xandar did not deploy it during prior MCU events. One plausible explanation is that Xandar, in the main Earth-616 timeline, did not possess the shield. However, the superweapon's presentation in What If...? suggests that it has been part of the series' history, paralleling the main MCU timeline.

It is conceivable that Xandar's decision to refrain from using the shield earlier in the MCU may have been rooted in underestimating the potential threats, particularly in the case of Thanos. The reluctance to activate the shield could stem from a belief that it was unnecessary, leading to underestimation of the impending danger. Additionally, the Nova Corps may have sought to avoid the need for the shield to mitigate the devastating impact witnessed in What If...?, underscoring their strategic considerations.

The emergence of the powerful superweapon in What If...? season 2 poses thought-provoking inquiries about Xandar's historical choices. The potential impact of the shield on pivotal MCU events, such as the defense against Ronan and Thanos, underscores the complex dynamics at play in Xandar's history and the potential repercussions of its historical decisions.