The Hilarious Memes Surrounding Marvel’s Spider-Man 2's Venom Mystery are Taking the Internet by Storm

The Hilarious Memes Surrounding Marvel’s Spider-Man 2's Venom Mystery are Taking the Internet by Storm

Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Venom Mystery sparks a viral meme frenzy, as fans speculate and hilariously suggest potential identities for the iconic character Dive into the Spider-Man universe and witness the creative and entertaining culprits that have taken the internet by storm!

A new meme has gained popularity among the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 community, centered around unveiling the identity of Venom. With numerous characters having been infected with the Venom symbiote over the years, fans are eagerly participating in this mystery-solving game for Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

The genesis of this meme can be traced back to the Summer Game Fest of 2023, which took place earlier this month. During the event, Insomniac made an appearance to announce the release date for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, along with a tantalizing detail that piqued the curiosity of the entire fan base. Brian Horton from Insomniac confirmed that Venom in the game is not Eddie Brock, the widely recognized figure associated with the black symbiote. With this revelation, it comes as no surprise that Spider-Man enthusiasts are now speculating on the true identity of Venom.

Some practical suggestions for the identity of Venom include Miles Morales' main villain Simon Krieger, who could potentially seek revenge on Miles after being thrown into prison. However, other suggestions such as Miles' best friend Ganke being Venom don't make much sense. Despite the farfetched nature of some suggestions, entire backstories are often created to justify the theory, such as Ganke becoming jealous of being a third wheel and embarking on a quest for power.

The meme has veered off into more random and not-so-serious suggestions, such as Gloria Davila, the leader of the F.E.A.S.T homeless shelter, or the guy from a side quest in Marvel's Spider-Man who dressed up as the hero. However, the most amusing suggestion for Venom's identity is the bodega cat from Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which technically could be possible due to the symbiote's ability to shape-shift.

Spider-Man 2 is set to release exclusively for PlayStation 5 on October 20th. For those who have completed Marvel's Spider-Man, the identity of Venom may have already been revealed. In a post-credits scene, Norman Osborne is seen assisting his son Harry Osborne, who is submerged in a water tank, with a black substance partially covering his body. This scene strongly suggests that Harry is Venom, although players will have to wait until later this year to find out for certain.