The High Republic's Reign of the Ultimate Villain: How They Outshined Boba Fett's Throne!

The High Republic's Reign of the Ultimate Villain: How They Outshined Boba Fett's Throne!

Marchion Ro takes the throne to a whole new level, outshining Boba Fett in a display of ultimate villainy and power in The High Republic

The official cover for the upcoming Star Wars: The High Republic novel has been unveiled. Marchion Ro, the series' antagonist, outshines crime lord Boba Fett. After being absent in Phase II, which delves 150 years into the past, Ro resurfaces as the formidable leader of the Nihil, a notorious group of space marauders responsible for numerous heinous acts. In the debut novel of Phase III, Ro becomes the topmost target of the Jedi and Republic forces. The cover art for the first book of Phase III, titled Star Wars: The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness by George Mann, was also revealed.

The High Republic's Reign of the Ultimate Villain: How They Outshined Boba Fett's Throne!

Marchion Ro commands attention as he lounges nonchalantly on a throne amidst a wintry landscape, located beyond the formidable Stormwall. Gripping tightly in his grasp is the lightsaber once wielded by the revered Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm, who tragically fell to Ro's treachery and his sinister secret weapon known as the Leveler. Embarking upon the culminating phase of The High Republic publishing endeavor, this book unflinchingly exposes the malevolent forces at play. Delve into the official description below:

The galaxy is divided.

Marchion Ro Show Boba Fett How It's Done

Following the shocking destruction of Starlight Beacon, the Nihil have created an impenetrable barrier known as the Stormwall, surrounding a portion of the Outer Rim. Marchion Ro, ruling behind the Stormwall, allows his followers to freely wreak havoc. Jedi such as Avar Kriss find themselves trapped behind enemy lines, fighting to protect the worlds that are being pillaged by the Nihil. They must also stay one step ahead of the marauders and the terrifying Nameless creatures they command.

Outside the Nihil's Occlusion Zone, Elzar Mann, Bell Zettifar, and other Jedi collaborate with the Republic to reach the worlds that have been isolated from the rest of the galaxy. However, all attempts to breach the Stormwall have failed, and communication across the barrier remains impossible. Elzar and Bell carry the weight of their failures and losses as they desperately search for a solution.

Even if the Republic and Jedi forces manage to breach the Stormwall, the question remains: how can the Jedi fight back against the Nameless creatures that prey on their connection to the Force? Furthermore, what other horrors does Marchion Ro have in store? As desperation grows for both the Jedi and the Republic, the hope of reuniting the galaxy seems to fade away.

Following the events of The Mandalorian season 2's post-credit scene, Boba Fett's ascension to Jabba the Hutt's throne on Tatooine elevated his cool-factor to new heights. However, The Book of Boba Fett paints a contrasting picture, revealing a weak and ill-suited crime lord. Despite his diminished stature, Fett found himself lacking the respect of his subordinates and failed to strike fear into the hearts of his adversaries, ultimately transforming into a shadow of his former self.

The High Republic's Reign of the Ultimate Villain: How They Outshined Boba Fett's Throne!

Marchion Ro possesses both the appearance and qualifications to justify his pursuit of power. Although he may seem idle on his throne, the Eye of the Nihil has demonstrated himself to be a merciless assassin. Through his careful planning and execution, he orchestrated significant events such as the Great Hyperspace Disaster, the attack on Valo's Republic Fair, and the destruction of Starlight Beacon. As a result, Ro has firmly established himself as the most wanted criminal in the galaxy, particularly by the Jedi. In The High Republic Phase III, Ro's elaborate schemes will relentlessly challenge the Jedi and the Republic, only to eventually face defeat when confronted by the Nihil.

The release date for Star Wars: The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness is scheduled for November 14, 2023.

Source: Star Wars