The Explosive Revelation: Rick Grimes' CRM Role Finally Confirmed in Leaked Walking Dead Spinoff Footage!
Newly released trailer footage strengthens the enigma surrounding Rick Grimes' role in the CRM, adding to the intrigue of his upcoming Walking Dead spinoff The mystery deepens
Early footage of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live supports the theory that Rick Grimes has been working as a zombie culler for the CRM.
Rick's act of slaying a zombie in the teaser solidifies his role as a designated undead eradicator for the CRM.
The fact that Rick holds a distinctive position within the CRM prompts inquiries into the rationale behind his continued existence and his status as a prized resource, despite occupying a position of relatively low authority.
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live provides little information about its storyline, but early footage hints at a popular theory regarding Rick Grimes' whereabouts since being captured by the CRM. At NYCC 2023, a brief and captivating teaser for the show premiered, featuring Rick wielding an axe against a fiery zombie, the appearance of an iPhone resembling the one Michonne discovered, and a display of Michonne's unchanged sword skills since season 9.
In a surprising twist, Andrew Lincoln's Rick Grimes made a cameo in the final moments of The Walking Dead's conclusion. The mysterious scene depicted Rick being pursued by a Civic Republic Military helicopter, drawing attention primarily to his attire. It was noted that Rick wore the same uniform as Silas from The Walking Dead: World Beyond, who had been captured by the CRM and assigned to zombie elimination duty. This led to speculation that Rick also received a culling assignment from the CRM following his abduction.
Rick Grimes Trailer Footage Seemingly Confirms His CRM Job
Since the series finale of The Walking Dead showed Rick Grimes on the run, it was plausible to think that he could have escaped the CRM by masquerading as a zombie-culler and making a break for freedom. However, the recent release of The Ones Who Live footage at NYCC strongly suggests that Rick has actually been carrying out undead culling duties for the CRM. In the footage, we see Rick Grimes killing a zombie as it thrusts its decomposed head through a brick wall, with a group of workers visible in the background. Even though these individuals remain blurred, we can still make out the unmistakable CRM jackets adorned with orange armbands.
Rick's CRM Job Makes His Walking Dead Spinoff Story Even More Mysterious
Rick is likely in a CRM culling facility, reminiscent of the one Silas served at in The Walking Dead: World Beyond. He is fiercely battling the undead, undoubtedly securing the prestigious "employee-of-the-month" title once again. The jacket Rick wore in the final episode of The Walking Dead unmistakably belonged to him, solidifying the fact that mindlessly slaying the undead has become his daily routine since the CRM whisked him away in a helicopter, rescuing his injured body during The Walking Dead season 9.In The Walking Dead: World Beyond, the task of eliminating zombies is considered a low-ranking duty within the CRM. Typically assigned to teenagers, such as Silas' group, it is seen as a form of punishment or a starting point in the military hierarchy. However, this contradicts the special position that Rick Grimes evidently holds within the CRM. When Jadis mentioned Rick in season 2 of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, she referred to him as "valuable" to her superiors. Additionally, the CRM helicopter in the final episode of The Walking Dead was attempting to capture Rick and bring him back instead of simply shooting him like other escaped prisoners.
If Rick's only role in the CRM is to kill zombies in a monotonous and routine manner, it raises questions about why the villains keep him alive and why Jadis sees him as valuable. Two possible explanations emerge. Firstly, the CRM might acknowledge Rick's abilities as a leader and warrior, but assign him to culling duty because he refuses to actively participate in their genocidal mission.
Another possible explanation is that Rick holds a similar position to Dennis in The Walking Dead: World Beyond - an officer in charge of a CRM culling facility. However, this position would still be considered a major demotion compared to Rick's skill level, as even Dennis viewed it as such. Nonetheless, being a facility manager would indicate that The Walking Dead's former protagonist and ex-leader of Alexandria is not just an ordinary CRM worker in The Ones Who Live.