The Shocking Truth Behind the CRM's Delay in Attacking Rick's Group - Revealed!
Discover a compelling theory on why the CRM has yet to attack Rick's group in The Walking Dead Uncover the shocking truth behind their plans for Rick and how the CRM's control over Alexandria adds a new layer of intrigue Get ready for mind-blowing revelations in the upcoming spinoffs
The CRM may be using Rick's people in Alexandria and Commonwealth to control him, either to prevent his escape or to extract valuable information from him.
In future spinoffs, there is a possibility that Rick's group will eventually discover information about the CRM, which could lead to a confrontation and potentially even a war. The Walking Dead has not provided an explanation as to why the CRM has not pursued Rick's group, but a new theory suggests a few reasons for their absence in Alexandria and the Commonwealth. In The Walking Dead: World Beyond, the CRM is portrayed as a military and law enforcement organization that trades supplies in return for individuals with unique abilities. Rick became their latest trade when Jadis rescued him from a bridge explosion to protect his friends from walkers. However, it remains unknown what the CRM truly desires from Rick and how he intends to evade them in his upcoming spinoff.
As seen throughout the seasons of The Walking Dead, Rick and his friends have encountered numerous threats, resulting in the brutal deaths of beloved characters. However, one particular threat, the CRM, remained absent in the main show, leaving viewers uncertain of their whereabouts and their plans in relation to Rick's group in Alexandria and Commonwealth. With the CRM's presence spanning across various groups across the United States, it is plausible that they possess knowledge about several communities. Although the extent of the CRM's involvement with Rick remains unclear, a new theory has surfaced in the Walking Dead universe that could potentially shed light on why the CRM has refrained from targeting Rick's friends.
The CRM Could Be Using Rick's People To Control Him In The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes and Michonne are making a triumphant return in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, a highly anticipated spinoff that picks up after season 9. However, it seems that Rick may not be free from the clutches of the CRM. One possible theory suggests that the CRM is using Rick's connections in Alexandria and the Commonwealth to manipulate him, either by ensuring he cannot escape from a hidden location or by enticing him with valuable information. We've seen in World Beyond that this military organization is not above using people as hostages to get what they want, as demonstrated by Huck's deceitful actions towards Hope.
Because Rick's friends serve as a convenient leverage tool, the CRM may not engage with them unless they require additional resources and information. Having closely monitored Rick, the CRM should be aware that his family and friends hold great importance to him, making their safety a vulnerable point for potential blackmail. However, viewers already know from the season 11 preview of The Walking Dead that Rick managed to escape the CRM. Consequently, the CRM must now target his close-knit communities in order to compel his return and deter any attempts at another escape.
Why The CRM Threatening Alexandria To Control Rick Makes So Much Sense
It is logical that the CRM would use Alexandria as leverage to persuade or recruit Rick into their organization. Jadis possessed knowledge about his communities and origins, so it is highly likely that she shared this information with the CRM. Considering Rick's immense desire to reunite with his family and close friends, particularly his daughter and son, the CRM must resort to extreme measures to keep him captive. It is plausible that the CRM is also monitoring Judith and R.J., utilizing them as a means to manipulate Rick since they hold significant importance in his life and are bound to influence his decisions.
Another possible theory is that
Rick's Group Must Finally Learn About The CRM In Walking Dead's Spinoffs
Rick has been a subject of experimentation for the CRM ever since the first season. In the pilot episode, we see helicopters hovering around, and it is plausible that this was part of the CRM's plan to capture Rick during his most vulnerable state. Even his survival from a month-long coma into the midst of the apocalypse could have been orchestrated by the CRM. Now that Rick is separated from Alexandria and defenseless against a formidable army of military professionals, he finds himself with no other option but to comply with their demands in order to safeguard the well-being of his friends back home.With the upcoming release of Rick and Michonne's spinoff in 2024, it is crucial for current spinoffs like The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon and Dead City season 2 to delve into the CRM as the organization finally emerges from the shadows. Whether it is Daryl discovering a potential outpost in France or Maggie encountering CRM members in Alexandria, Rick's group will inevitably cross paths with the CRM. In future spinoffs, these beloved characters will confront a new threat, and the hidden workings of the CRM will unveil a potential cure that has the potential to combat the virus. However, based on the morally questionable experiments seen in World Beyond, the CRM's actions were far from ethically sound.
In the spinoff of The Walking Dead, viewers may see characters like Maggie, Daryl, and Judith discovering Rick's survival in the CRM. This could potentially lead to new spinoffs within The Walking Dead universe. One possibility is that an adult Judith plans to take revenge on the organization for kidnapping her father. Alternatively, these beloved characters may come together once again to bring Rick back and dismantle the CRM. To make Rick and Michonne's spinoff meaningful, The Walking Dead needs to explore more of the CRM. While Rick's friends have not been attacked by the CRM yet, there is still a chance that a war could break out.