The Essential Guide to Obtaining Ingots in Palworld

The Essential Guide to Obtaining Ingots in Palworld

A comprehensive guide on how to acquire the essential resource of Ingots in Palworld, along with the necessary steps and strategies.

The Importance of Ingots

As you embark on your adventure in the captivating world of Palworld, you'll soon realize the crucial role that Ingots play in crafting essential items and weapons. These invaluable resources are a fundamental necessity as you progress through the game, making it essential to understand how to obtain them effectively.

mining ore palworld

mining ore palworld

Acquiring Ores

To begin your journey towards acquiring Ingots, you must first focus on obtaining Ores, the primary resource required for their creation. These metallic treasures are scattered around the vicinity of your base, resembling copper and possessing a distinct dark appearance. In order to mine Ores, you'll need to craft a Pickaxe, with the stone variant being accessible early in the game by utilizing 5 Wood and 5 Stone.

Once you reach Technology Level 11, the Metal Pickaxe becomes available, significantly enhancing the efficiency of Ores extraction. However, it's important to note that crafting the Metal Pickaxe also necessitates the use of Ingots. Therefore, you must initially rely on the Stone Pickaxe to gather the essential resources required for crafting a Metal Pickaxe, which demands 15 stones, 20 wood, 5 ingots, and a high-quality work bench.

After assembling the necessary materials, embark on a quest through the biome to locate and mine Ores. Should your Pickaxes sustain damage, prioritize repairing them at the Repair Bench to conserve valuable resources and time.

The Process of Crafting Ingots

In addition to Ores, the creation of Ingots necessitates the use of the Primitive Furnace. Unlocked at Technology Level 10, this crucial structure requires 20 Wood, 50 Stone, and 3 Flame Organs for its construction. Collecting wood and stones from the surrounding environment is relatively straightforward, while Flame Organs can be obtained from Fire-type pals such as the Foxparks.

primitive furnace palworld

primitive furnace palworld

Venturing into the Grassy Behemoth Hills area presents an opportunity to acquire numerous Foxparks, a key source of Flame Organs. Furthermore, this area features a convenient fast-travel point, facilitating efficient travel and Flame Organ acquisition.

Upon crafting the Primitive Furnace, the next step involves placing the Ores inside and enlisting the assistance of a Pal with the Kindling work ability to oversee the transformation into Ingots. Each Ingot requires 2 Ore, emphasizing the need to mine a substantial quantity of Ores to secure an ample supply of Ingots.

Due to the refining process through fire, crafting Ingots is an endeavor that cannot be undertaken independently. Fire-type pals, particularly the Foxparks, excel in the kindling ability, making them an ideal choice for refining Ores into Ingots. Alternatively, capturing a Rooby can also prove to be highly effective in this refining process, especially in the early stages of the game.

The Significance of Ingots

As you progress further and reach Technology Level 10, the prominence of Ingots becomes increasingly evident. These invaluable resources are essential for the creation of a myriad of crucial items such as nails, metal pickaxes, high-quality workbenches, meat cleavers, and crossbows. Consequently, it is prudent to establish your base in close proximity to an area abundant in Ores, ensuring a sustainable supply of this indispensable resource.

crafting ingot palworld

crafting ingot palworld