The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

BioWare's game library boasts an array of masterpieces, and their finest creations happen to be their lengthiest Brace yourself for epic adventures, with titles like Mass Effect Legendary Edition clocking in at an impressive 110 hours, captivating gamers with unrivaled storytelling and immersive gameplay

BioWare is renowned as one of the foremost video game studios, widely lauded for its creation of immersive and intricate RPGs. With an array of branching paths, distinctive abilities, and captivating narratives, their games offer an exhilarating exploration. Originally focused solely on CRPGs, BioWare has since expanded its repertoire and produced high-budget titles aimed at a broader audience. Notable achievements such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Dragon Age: Origins propelled this transition, although subsequent releases received more mixed reviews. Nevertheless, the enduring appeal of BioWare games lies in their ability to transport players on thrilling and lengthy adventures.

7 Baldur's Gate (59.5 Hours)

The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

Baldur's Gate 3, the highly anticipated game by Larian Entertainment, has players eagerly awaiting its release. After their impressive performance with the Divinity: Original Sin games, it's no surprise that fans of CRPGs are excited to see what they have in store. It is fitting that Larian Entertainment has taken on the challenge of creating a worthy sequel to one of the most iconic old-school RPGs of all time.

For players who wish to fully immerse themselves in the story before embarking on Baldur's Gate 3, it is advisable to start their journey as soon as possible. These games are known for their extensive length and abundance of content, with players easily spending weeks or even months exploring the vast and immersive worlds they offer.

6 Mass Effect: Andromeda (65 Hours)

The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

Following the success of the Mass Effect trilogy, anticipation arose among players regarding Andromeda, as it promised to introduce a whole new universe. Unfortunately, the game encountered significant issues right from the start, with a multitude of bugs that hindered the overall enjoyment.

Even after addressing these initial problems, Andromeda still faced numerous other issues. The storyline lacked the gripping intensity that had made the original Mass Effect trilogy so captivating, and the quality of the writing was inconsistent, with the combat being the only redeeming aspect of the game.

5 Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition (76 Hours)

The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

Dragon Age: Origins is widely acclaimed as one of the most impressive fantasy RPGs to date. It immerses players in a rich and captivating world teeming with political machinations, intrigue, sorcery, and awe-inspiring dragons. Even today, countless players hail the first installment as the pinnacle of the series.

Undoubtedly, Dreadwolf faces an immense challenge in living up to the extraordinary legacy established by its predecessor. The gripping tale of players assuming various origin stories and their quest to join the esteemed ranks of the Grey Wardens continues to captivate fans, leaving a lasting impression that they simply can't shake off.

4 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (76.5 Hours)

The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

Neverwinter Nights is a renowned CRPG that marked BioWare's final endeavor to create a title in this genre before transforming their development methods for good. The main campaign of the game is already enthralling, and the abundance of custom content truly dazzles.

For those seeking a classic CRPG with an engaging storyline and a dynamic world, Neverwinter Nights will undoubtedly captivate. The Enhanced Edition includes all additional content, greatly enriching the experience players will have with this title.

3 Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows Of Amn (91 Hours)

The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

Baldur's Gate 2 is widely acclaimed as one of the greatest CRPGs ever created, owed to its expansive storyline and endearing ensemble of characters. The game effortlessly stands out due to the immense passion poured into its creation, with surprises waiting at every turn.

The standout feature of Shadows of Amn undoubtedly lies in its exceptional writing. Both the main storyline and the additional content are filled with memorable and thought-provoking moments. The tactical combat also holds its own, and it is a testament to the game's quality that players remain engrossed no matter the length of the title.

2 Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition (102 Hours)

The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

After receiving criticism for the smaller world and underwhelming story in Dragon Age 2, BioWare was determined to reaffirm the franchise's greatness. Thus, Dragon Age: Inquisition was born, marking a triumphant comeback for the series.

The narrative was genuinely grand, and assuming the role of the Inquisitor provided players with an enjoyable experience, as they faced challenging decisions and received ample support in their fight against Corypheus. While the companions exhibited a mix of qualities and a few of the side quests fell short, these minor concerns do not overshadow the overall brilliance of the game.

1 Mass Effect Legendary Edition (110 Hours)

The Epic Saga of BioWare’s Endlessly Engaging Games

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition is undeniably the ultimate way to delve into the trilogy. While it may be argued whether it's fair to treat the entire trilogy as one entity, there's no contesting the fact that this edition offers the finest experience across all three games. The original title has undergone significant enhancements, addressing its outdated gameplay mechanics. Meanwhile, the second and third installments have undergone impressive visual makeovers, while retaining their contemporary and captivating gameplay. For anyone looking to rediscover the masterpiece of Commander Shepard's story, the Mass Effect Legendary Edition offers an exceptional opportunity, especially for those disappointed by Andromeda's reception.