The Epic Battle Unveiled: Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Astonishing Power Threatens the Very Foundations of Tevinter

The Epic Battle Unveiled: Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Astonishing Power Threatens the Very Foundations of Tevinter

Uncover the hidden secrets of Tevinter in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf as the ancient civilization faces its darkest demons and confronts the fractures within its own culture

The Tevinter Imperium, as the oldest nation in Thedas, hoards the knowledge encompassing the enigmatic aspects of Dragon Age. Due to its ancient existence predating many of Thedas' contemporary establishments, the core beliefs of Tevinter's culture are constructed upon deceit, distorting historical truths to present a more favorable image. Notably, their misconceptions about the emergence of the Blight and the decline of the Elves misrepresent genuine events. If these historical accuracies were to be unveiled in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, the consequences for Tevinter would be potentially calamitous.

One captivating feature of Dragon Age's lore is its close resemblance to real-world history. Rather than emanating from a single authoritative source, past events are reconstructed from various fragments and origins, forming a comprehensive whole. Esteemed institutions and nations in Thedas exploit this aspect, selectively molding their involvement in history. An example can be seen through the Seekers, who concealed the fact that mages were once among their ranks until Inquisitor Ameridan uncovered the truth. The forthcoming game in the series is expected to challenge more of these historical convictions.

Why Tevinter's Past is So Fractured

The Epic Battle Unveiled: Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Astonishing Power Threatens the Very Foundations of Tevinter

Dragon Age: Inquisition unveiled significant revelations that disrupted established lore, including new insights into the origins of the Blight, the creation of the Veil, and the fall of Arlathan. Dorian, a Tevinter mage, provides a unique perspective on how Tevinter might react to these revelations, particularly in response to Corypheus and the revelations presented in Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser.

Tevinter's understanding of the Blight differs from the narrative presented by the Orlesian Chantry. According to the Chantry, the First Blight originated when the Magisters attempted to free the Old Gods by physically entering the Fade and encountering the Golden City, transforming it into the Black City and unleashing the Blight. Tevinter, however, maintains that darkspawn and the magisters are unrelated, believing that darkspawn have always existed. While it is possible that darkspawn predated the Blight, the events involving the Magisters, as described by Corypheus in Dragon Age 2: Legacy and Dragon Age: Inquisition, confirm their physical involvement.

The Foundation of Tevinter's Culture May Be at Stake

The Epic Battle Unveiled: Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Astonishing Power Threatens the Very Foundations of Tevinter

The fall of Arlathan, the elven empire, is a widely discredited belief. While the Tevinter Imperium claims to have conquered the elves and destroyed their empire, the truth is much less exciting. Arlathan actually fell when the Veil was created, and Tevinter was built on its remains. Consequently, much of Tevinter's magic is derived from elven magic obtained from the ruins of Arlathan. This reality may have negative consequences in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. This belief also fuels the discrimination against elves in Tevinter, where most of them are enslaved. This discrimination is justified by their supposed overthrow of Arlathan many centuries ago.

One belief that may prove accurate for Tevinter is the Imperial Chantry's assertion that Andraste, a powerful figure, was a mortal mage. This claim creates a significant divide between the Tevinter and Orlesian Chantries. The Orlesian Chantry, on the other hand, considers Andraste to be divine and not a mage. However, there is evidence supporting Tevinter's claim that Andraste was a mage. Another theory, which would be equally damaging to both Chantries, suggests that Andraste may have served as a vessel for Mythal, the elven god of justice.

It is ultimately up to the current era's citizens to determine how Tevinter handles these revelations. The choice of what to do with the information and how to proceed may be left to the player. Dorian's intention is to return to Tevinter and work towards improving it, potentially playing a crucial role in the future of the nation. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is currently being developed.