Mastering Dragon Age: Lessons from Every Installment for Dreadwolf

Mastering Dragon Age: Lessons from Every Installment for Dreadwolf

Discover how Dragon Age: Dreadwolf can draw inspiration from the rich lore and compelling characters established in the Dragon Age trilogy, including the iconic companions from Dragon Age 2 and the beloved protagonist from Origins

BioWare's Dragon Age franchise has become a fan favorite, offering a unique setting and gameplay mechanics that differentiate it from the studio's other popular IP, Mass Effect. With a focus on Dungeons and Dragons-style gameplay, Dragon Age: Origins captivated players with its branching story, well-developed characters, and rich lore. Although Dragon Age 2 received mixed reviews, it still managed to cultivate a devoted fan base and build upon the series' lore. Dragon Age: Inquisition was a game-changer, expanding the world and challenging players' understanding of the story. As the highly anticipated Dragon Age: Dreadwolf approaches its release, fans hope to see a return to the franchise's roots, with a renewed focus on storytelling, companions, and crafting mechanics.

Dragon Age: Origins’ Warden is Still the Best Protagonist in Thedas

Mastering Dragon Age: Lessons from Every Installment for Dreadwolf

Players have long been requesting a cameo from Dragon Age: Origins' Warden, who is widely regarded as one of BioWare's best protagonists. However, given the various possible endings in the game, including the potential for the Warden to be deceased or serving as the Ferelden monarch, it seems unlikely that this will come to fruition. Nevertheless, it is crucial to understand why the Warden was so beloved as a player character, and how BioWare can replicate this success in their upcoming title, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

One of the key factors that contributed to the Warden's popularity was the ability for players to choose from a variety of different origins, each with their own unique race, gender, background, and personal relationships. NPCs responded differently to the Warden based on their chosen background, which added a level of detail and replayability that was lacking in other Dragon Age titles. While Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could certainly update its treatment of female protagonists, it would be wise to maintain this level of customization and attention to detail. Additionally, it is important that players have the ability to choose a non-human race, as this was a major criticism of Dragon Age 2 and a feature that fans are eager to see return in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

Dragon Age 2’s Companions Are Still Iconic

Mastering Dragon Age: Lessons from Every Installment for Dreadwolf

The core group of characters in Dragon Age 2 have remained popular due to the game's unique Friendship/Rivalry system, which allowed for more nuanced relationships with companions than in previous Dragon Age games. Fans would welcome a return of this system, along with the gift system where Hawke could give meaningful items to trigger cutscenes. However, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf should also learn from Dragon Age: Inquisition's crafting system, avoiding the issue of making crafting too overpowered and thus making looting pointless.

The upcoming Dragon Age game, Dreadwolf, is currently in development.