The Heart of the Animation
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part One stands as a testament to the excellence of DC animation, delivering a captivating adaptation of the multiverse-spanning event, Crisis on Infinite Earths. This animated film, the first in a three-part series, marks the beginning of the end for the Tomorroverse, which commenced with Superman: Man of Tomorrow in 2020. While The CW's Arrowverse provided its take on Crisis, it's the animated version that takes the narrative to the next level, blending sorrow and thrill into a compelling adaptation.
Barry, Iris, Vixen and Green Lantern stand against Harbinger at the wedding in Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths
Directed by Jeff Wamester and written by James Krieg, the film seamlessly weaves disparate story threads into an achingly beautiful and exciting narrative. While the original crossover event's trajectory is familiar to fans, the animation offers a refreshing take on the story, focusing primarily on Barry Allen/The Flash as he traverses time and parallel earths. This decision ensures that the film remains engaging without overwhelming the story with an abundance of characters, including Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern.
The Flash and Iris West hug in Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths
At the core of the animation lies the love story between Barry and Iris West, which provides the emotional throughline and elevates the already high stakes. Their relationship, coupled with the exploration of other romances, friendships, and familial bonds, grounds the animation and makes the fight to save the multiverse a deeply personal and emotional journey. With each moment heightened by The Flash's time and universe-jumping, the film delivers a tender and heartbreaking narrative that captures the essence of love, loss, and the importance of close relationships.
Superheroes stand watch as the anti-matter wave comes through in Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths
A Refreshing Take on the Source Material
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths masterfully captures the spirit of its source material, faithfully adapting the crossover event while infusing it with new subplots and moments that breathe fresh air into the narrative. Despite the familiarity of the story's trajectory for fans of the original comics and Arrowverse version, the film finds new ways to be exciting and intriguing, balancing the multiverse and its many differences along with character dynamics.
Superman from different earths fight together in Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths
From the Justice League's battle against Amazo, hijacked by Lex Luthor, to The Flash's encounters with the Crime Syndicate, the film sets the gold standard for showcasing the multiverse and its myriad characters. The compelling roles of the Monitor and Pariah leave the ending on a cliffhanger, building anticipation for the next enthralling installment. With the groundwork laid for what's to come, the film ramps up the tension and despair, setting the stage for an epic continuation of the Crisis on Infinite Earths saga.
The Flash runs through the speedforce in Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths
The Legacy and Availability
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part One is a monumental addition to the legacy of DC animation, marking a significant milestone in the portrayal of the multiverse-spanning event. With its digital release, the film is now accessible to fans, offering an immersive experience that brings the iconic superheroes and the multiverse to life. The upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release on January 23 promises to make this captivating adaptation a timeless addition to any DC fan's collection, ensuring that the legacy of Crisis on Infinite Earths continues to thrive.