The Enigmatic Ailment of King Viserys Targaryen Unraveled: Unveiling the Truth Behind House Of The Dragon

The Enigmatic Ailment of King Viserys Targaryen Unraveled: Unveiling the Truth Behind House Of The Dragon

Unraveling the Enigma: Discover the impact of King Viserys Targaryen's mysterious illness on his reign in House Of The Dragon

Viserys I Targaryen succeeded his grandfather, Jaehaerys I Targaryen, as the King of the Iron Throne. During his reign, he maintained peace and unity in the realm, but faced various challenges such as the conflict in the Stepstones, concerns about his successor, his daughter's defiance, remarriage, and an unnamed illness. Throughout his life, Viserys dealt with these issues, which gradually took a toll on his physical health. In the first episode of House of the Dragon season 1, titled "The Heirs of the Dragon," Viserys was seen slumped in a chair as maesters examined a wound on his back that had become infected. Despite his dismissive attitude, the wound was a result of a small cut from sitting on the throne. In order to prevent the infection from spreading, the Grand Maester instructed Viserys to dip his hand in a bowl of maggots, which led to the loss of two of his fingers by the third episode, "Second of His Name." These episodes also indicated a decline in Viserys' health and suggested that he was suffering from a slow-moving and degenerative illness.

Viserys' Rot Spreads

The Enigmatic Ailment of King Viserys Targaryen Unraveled: Unveiling the Truth Behind House Of The Dragon

Viserys I Targaryen, portrayed by Paddy Considine in House of the Dragon, revealed in a podcast interview that his character suffered from a form of leprosy. Considine also touched upon the mental and emotional toll that Viserys' illness took, comparing it to the stress and strain of being king. In another interview, Considine described the physical deterioration of his character, noting the gradual loss of fingers and eventually an arm as the series progressed. The severity of his condition only worsened as the show reached its eighth episode. However, Viserys kept his suffering a secret, likely due to the ableism prevalent during the Middle Ages. Despite the eventual public knowledge of his illness, he initially concealed it to maintain the perception of a strong and capable ruler, aligned with the Conqueror's dream. In a particular episode of House of the Dragon, Viserys experienced seasickness and fainted upon arrival in High Tide, followed by a collapse while exiting his carriage in King's Landing. His attendants urgently called for medical assistance, including fetching the Maester and preparing leeches.

While Grand Maester Mellos persisted with the ineffective leech therapy, time eventually revealed its futility. The attending maester, Orwyle, attempted to offer an alternative solution by preparing a fresh set of "herbal poultices" that he believed could be more successful. However, his suggestion was rejected. Despite the dedicated efforts of the maesters, it became evident that the king's left arm was beyond repair. As a result, Viserys, feeling disheartened, contemplated how history would remember him. He had never engaged in battles or conquered lands; his role had solely been to maintain peace. By the time House of the Dragon season 1, episode 6 "The Princess and the Queen" aired, the king had already lost his left arm to the rot. In episode 7 "Driftmark," even Daemon felt compelled to acknowledge the extreme cruelty of the gods towards his brother.

The End Of Viserys' Reign

The Enigmatic Ailment of King Viserys Targaryen Unraveled: Unveiling the Truth Behind House Of The Dragon

In House of the Dragon season 1, episode 8 titled "The Lord of the Tides," a notable moment is when Viserys makes his entrance into the throne room. A six-year time gap between episodes 7 and 8 shows that Viserys is no longer in charge of council meetings, as Alicent and Otto handle the day-to-day affairs of the kingdom. Viserys' deteriorating health is evident, with multiple maesters attending to his wounds and his appearance resembling a shadow of his former self. He experiences pain and relies on a gold mask to conceal his face, needing assistance to climb the stairs to the throne. Due to his illness, Otto, who is cunning, sits on the throne in his place. However, when the legitimacy of Viserys' grandsons, Lucerys and Jacaerys, born to Rhaenyra, is questioned, and Vaemond claims Driftmark, the king defies expectations by leaving his deathbed to personally address the matter. His arrival in the throne room surprises and astounds everyone present, as he comes to protect his daughter.

Viserys' fondest memory was a family gathering at supper in the Red Keep, where he revealed his disfigured face, a result of the rot that had taken his right eye. In a heartfelt plea to his loved ones, he emphasized the importance of unity within the house of the dragon, setting aside grievances for the sake of a strong crown. Despite his superficial attempts to maintain peace, Viserys remained oblivious to the impending civil war and made poor choices in his marriage to Alicent and trust in Otto. Despite his kind nature, Viserys proved to be a poor leader.