The Elder Scrolls 6: Unleashing an Epic Journey Even More Thrilling than Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 6: Unleashing an Epic Journey Even More Thrilling than Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 6 seeks inspiration from previous franchise titles Embracing Morrowind's RPG combat and exploration, it aims to revive traditional elements for an immersive gaming experience (309 characters)


The Elder Scrolls 6 should take inspiration from Morrowind's exploration by removing hand-holding and allowing players to navigate the game world on their own.

The Elder Scrolls 6 could benefit from incorporating Morrowind's combat system, which leverages probability calculations and character skills, to enhance the depth and challenge of battles. By introducing this refined and contemporary version of Morrowind's combat system, the game can address previous criticisms and meet the demand for traditional RPG elements.

The expectations for The Elder Scrolls 6 continue to grow as time passes. While the upcoming release aims to bring innovation and surpass previous games in the franchise, it is important to consider reintroducing some core elements from older TES releases.

When considering the games that will inspire The Elder Scrolls 6, many look to its predecessor, Skyrim. However, the much older Morrowind offers a range of overlooked mechanics that could be ideal for an updated return. With players being accustomed to the Skyrim formula and the RPG genre becoming more conventional in many aspects, there is much to be gained from Morrowind's combat and exploration elements for The Elder Scrolls 6.

The Elder Scrolls 6 and Morrowind: A Return To Traditional RPG Combat and Exploration

The Elder Scrolls 6: Unleashing an Epic Journey Even More Thrilling than Skyrim

Released in 2002, Morrowind, the third installment of The Elder Scrolls series, is often hailed as a prime example of traditional RPG gameplay. Set in the diverse province of Morrowind, the game eschews waypoints and on-screen compasses, allowing players the freedom to embark on their own path. Instead of being guided along a linear questline, players are encouraged to explore and navigate the province's settlements using roadsigns or seeking directions from Non-Player Characters (NPCs).

This departure from the game's subsequent releases, such as Oblivion and Skyrim, has drawn criticism from some long-time fans for the introduction of excessive hand-holding mechanics. These newer games tend to provide clear directions and guidance, leading players precisely where they need to be. Although it may not be feasible to replicate Morrowind's open exploration in The Elder Scrolls 6, which is likely to feature a vast map, the game would benefit from encouraging more direct exploration. Perhaps the introduction of an optional feature, allowing players to experience the game through a more traditional lens, could be considered.

The combat mechanics in Morrowind diverge significantly from Skyrim, making it a source of inspiration for future entries like TES 6. In Morrowind, a probability calculator determines the likelihood of successfully landing damage, akin to dice rolls in RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons. This necessitates the character's skill rather than the player's, as fans must allocate skill points to the appropriate categories in order to increase their chances of hitting enemies and inflicting significant damage.

Contrarily, Skyrim's combat system allows for successful damage without relying on probabilities, with skills primarily enhancing the amount of damage inflicted. Although Morrowind's probability-based combat has received some criticism over time, recent games like Baldur's Gate 3 have implemented a similar system to great acclaim. It is important to note that while The Elder Scrolls 6 would feature fluid combat rather than turn-based gameplay like Baldur's Gate 3, the demand for classic RPG elements remains strong in modern gaming.

The combat system in Morrowind has faced criticism in the past, but if it were to be included in a more polished and modern release like The Elder Scrolls 6, it would greatly improve and bring more advantages to Bethesda. While Skyrim's combat system is beloved by fans, the changing demands of the RPG community and the need for innovation in TES 6 make revisiting Morrowind's experience a more suitable choice. The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently being developed.