The Dark Secrets Unleashed: Unveiling the Terrifying Power of Naruto's Tailed-Beasts

The Dark Secrets Unleashed: Unveiling the Terrifying Power of Naruto's Tailed-Beasts

The Tailed-Beasts in Naruto are fascinating beings, possessing sentience and intelligence, yet tragically reduced to mere weapons of destruction, sought after by combatants for an edge in battle or as a deterrent for mutually assured destruction


The tailed beasts in Naruto were originally created by the Sage of the Six Paths and were used by shinobi villages as weapons of mass destruction.

Shinobi villages aimed to attain control over the immense power of the tailed beasts by locating capable jinchuriki who could effectively wield their chakra.

During the Cold War era in the Naruto universe, possessing a tailed beast became vital to deter other nations from instigating a large-scale conflict, thereby establishing a scenario of mutual destruction.

Long ago, before the invention of ninjutsu and shinobi, the Sage of the Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, divided the feared Ten-Tails into nine Tailed-Beasts with varying numbers of tails. These powerful and intelligent creatures were meant to roam freely and stay separate from human civilization, although this was not the case for all of them.

As centuries passed, humanity eventually mastered ninjutsu, becoming skilled shinobi who established various shinobi villages and engaged in warfare. They soon realized that each Tailed-Beast possessed immense chakra and power. This led to a frenzied race to capture, seal, and exploit these beasts for military purposes. Thus, the Tailed-Beasts acquired a unique and terrifying role within the world of Naruto.

As A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The Dark Secrets Unleashed: Unveiling the Terrifying Power of Naruto's Tailed-Beasts

Humanity quickly realized the immense power of the tailed beasts and sought to harness it for their advantage in battle. Each shinobi village eagerly pursued the capture of these beasts, resulting in countless casualties. Nevertheless, over time, the villages became more proficient at capturing and containing the tailed beasts. Exceptional individuals like Uchiha Madara and Hashirama Senju emerged with the ability to subdue a tailed beast on their own.

Once captured, the villages utilized the tailed beasts as weapons of mass destruction. The beasts were sealed first in a container resembling a jar, then sealed within a human jinchuriki. This process can be observed in flashbacks involving Gaara and Killer B. However, the seal did not grant the jinchuriki complete control over the beast. In moments of weakness, the tailed beast could overpower its human vessel and manifest its true body.

While a massive yet uncontrollable power was indeed a challenge, the shinobi of the past recognized the advantage in harnessing such a rampaging beast. The jinchuriki simply had to infiltrate the enemy's base and unleash the full might of the beast, channeling all its pent-up fury. The sheer physical might of these colossal creatures alone could inflict unimaginable devastation upon any human settlement. When coupled with the beasts' bijuu bombs, we possessed a weapon capable of obliterating even the mightiest of shinobi villages in a single night. A Weapon of Mass Destruction.

As A Means To Gain A Competitive Advantage During Combat

The Dark Secrets Unleashed: Unveiling the Terrifying Power of Naruto's Tailed-Beasts

While engaging the foe with the raging creature might yield favorable outcomes, the ultimate aspiration of the shinobi villages was absolute authority over the awe-inspiring might possessed by these formidable beasts. This common objective resonated among shinobi villages of all sizes, prompting a renewed pursuit in search of a jinchuriki capable of mastering the untamed power of the tailed beasts.

Every village devised their own unique approaches. Kumogakure, for instance, concentrated solely on finding the most suitable candidate to become the Jinchuriki. On the other hand, Sunagakure experimented with breeding children who would harmonize well with the tailed beast. Meanwhile, the Uzumaki clan of Konohagakure prioritized perfecting a more potent seal that allowed the jinchuriki to safely harness the beast's chakra.

Though each village pursued different methods, they ultimately reached a common goal – to wield the tailed beast as a strategic advantage in combat. Consequently, the jinchuriki became indispensable forces on the frontline of any battlefield, capable of inflicting immense damage and annihilating countless adversaries, all while minimizing the risk of losing control and attacking their comrades. As evidenced in Minato's recollection, this tactic found widespread implementation during the Second and Third Shinobi Wars.

As A Means To Ensure A Mutually Assured Destruction

The Dark Secrets Unleashed: Unveiling the Terrifying Power of Naruto's Tailed-Beasts

Following the Third Shinobi War, the five major shinobi villages, alongside numerous smaller ones, reached a sort of agreement to refrain from attacking each other. It was undeniable that the war had resulted in the loss of precious human lives and valuable resources. Consequently, this marked the official commencement of the Cold War and Proxy War era.

Instead of engaging the enemy directly within their own territories, the battles transpired in smaller nations, such as Amagakure. Furthermore, the superpowers involved commonly utilized shinobi from other nations or even hired mercenaries like the Akatsuki to wage their wars. This tactic was particularly favored by Iwagakure during that period.

What about the tailed beasts? Had the shinobi villages lost interest in them? Sadly, that was not the case. In fact, the pursuit of tailed beasts was even more fervent during those times. Once a village learned that their enemy or even their neighboring villages had obtained a tailed beast, they would redouble their efforts to acquire one for themselves.

This was due to the understanding that a clash between two nations with tailed beasts would result in the annihilation of both parties. Thus, possessing a tailed beast was seen as a deterrent, preventing any party from instigating a large-scale war. For a shinobi village, owning a tailed beast was crucial for protection, or more precisely, to ensure Mutually Assured Destruction.

So in a way, the tailed-beasts are akin to nuclear weapons. That is their unique and horrifying role in the world of Naruto.

Naruto is available to stream on Crunchyroll.