Discover the fate of every Kazekage in the Naruto series, a position often shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Explore the journeys of these renowned shinobi leaders and their ultimate destinies within...
Diving into the realm of plot armor in Naruto's storyline, we explore whether the abundance of it is hindering the narrative's depth and impact. Unveiling the layers of plot armor in Naruto's journey...
The highly-anticipated live-action Naruto movie successfully navigates its biggest challenge, much to the delight of fans. With the original creator involved, the film promises to stay true to the bel...
Both the Naruto and Boruto manga have captivated audiences globally with their gripping narratives, iconic characters, and deep emotional themes. Despite its own merits, Boruto faces a challenge in ec...
Boruto: Naruto Next Generation may not live up to the legendary status of the original Naruto series, but it still manages to honor its predecessor in various nostalgic and heartfelt moments.
Delve into the intricate world of Naruto's ninjutsu as we explore the possible link between Madara's Infinite Tsukuyomi and Itachi Uchiha's Tsukuyomi. Discover the hidden connections and theories behi...
As Studio Pierrot gears up for special Naruto anime and Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3, fans are on the edge of their seats for the anticipated release of these two iconic series.