The Connection Between Rebel Moon and Army of the Dead: Exploring Zack Snyder's Cinematic Universe
Zack Snyder's cinematic universe expands beyond the familiar territories of the DC Studios. The Homeworld in Rebel Moon may hold the key to connecting two of Snyder's fictional universes together. Let's delve into the intriguing possibilities and connections between Rebel Moon and Army of the Dead.
The Homeworld Connection
In the Rebel Moon franchise, the home of the Imperium is referred to as the Homeworld. This seemingly simple name holds the potential to reveal an exciting connection between Zack Snyder's cinematic universes. Zack Snyder, known for his work at DC Studios, has ventured into new territory with Netflix, and the ties between Rebel Moon and Army of the Dead are becoming increasingly apparent.
Poster for Rebel Moon with characters like Kora, Gunnar, Tutus, and Nemesis
Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire, which landed on Netflix in December 2023, is just the beginning. Snyder has confirmed that Rebel Moon is connected to his other Netflix properties, and the Homeworld in Rebel Moon might just be the linchpin that ties it all together. The tantalizing prospect of a shared universe opens up a realm of possibilities for fans and enthusiasts alike.
Collage of the poster for Rebel Moon and a zombie from Army of the Dead
The Earth Connection
The mention of the Homeworld in Rebel Moon has sparked intriguing speculation, especially regarding its true identity. While the Rebel Moon franchise features aliens, the majority of the cast portrays human characters. This has led to the compelling theory that the Homeworld could be none other than Earth itself. If this hypothesis holds true, it solidifies the connection between Rebel Moon and another of Snyder's works: Army of the Dead.
Tony Amendola as Levitica in Rebel Moon - Part One A Child of Fire
Snyder's declaration that Rebel Moon and Army of the Dead exist within the same universe has sparked further curiosity. The possibility of Earth being the Imperium Homeworld serves as a tantalizing link between the two franchises. The potential for a shared planetary origin for the human characters in both Rebel Moon and Army of the Dead adds depth to the interconnectedness of Snyder's cinematic universe.
Lily and Scott Ward in Army of the Dead pic
The Temporal Divergence
Despite the exciting prospect of a shared universe, there are significant differences between Rebel Moon and Army of the Dead. The temporal settings of the two stories are vastly disparate, with Rebel Moon projecting far into the future while Army of the Dead is set in the present day. This temporal divergence presents a challenge in bridging the two narratives.
Jimmy defending himself in Rebel Moon
The likelihood of a direct crossover between Rebel Moon and Army of the Dead seems remote due to the temporal gap. However, Snyder's creative ingenuity cannot be underestimated. The introduction of innovative plot devices such as time travel could potentially reconcile the temporal divergence and create a more solid connection between the two franchises. While the crossover may seem unlikely at first glance, Snyder's ability to weave intricate narratives leaves room for unexpected developments.
Dave Bautista looking stern as Scott Ward in Army of the Dead