The Boys Season 4: Jaw-Dropping Twists That Could Shake Up Everything

The Boys S4's jaw-dropping twists revealed! Brace yourself for shocking character deaths, hidden identities, unexpected alliances, and a potentially disastrous presidency Get ready to be blown away in Season 4!
Season 4 of The Boys is highly anticipated and is expected to shock audiences with its unpredictable storyline. Despite the show's tendency to deviate from its source material, viewers can still make realistic predictions about some major twists. The comic book series by Garth Ennis, which serves as the inspiration for the show, was already known for its unpredictability. However, even avid readers of the comic will struggle to guess the direction the Prime series is taking, as the first three seasons have made significant changes to the original story.
Nevertheless, astute viewers can still make educated guesses about the future of the series by paying close attention. For instance, a subtle costume change for Soldier Boy in Season 3 hinted that his character would be incorporating elements from the original 1940s version of Soldier Boy, rather than the contemporary portrayal. Although this clue did not directly reveal that Homelander was Soldier Boy's son, it did provide insight into Soldier Boy's true age. Armed with this information, viewers could potentially deduce the major twist. Using similar reasoning, here are 10 possible twists that could occur in Season 4 of The Boys.
10 Billy Butcher Dies In The Boys Season 4
9 Hughie's Mother Was A Supe All Along
: Despite knowing the risks involved, Hughie and Butcher decided to indulge in the use of Temp V during The Boys season 3. However, even after realizing the detrimental impact it had on his health, Butcher persisted with his consumption of the substance. Consequently, if Hughie and Butcher fail to transform into permanent Supes during The Boys season 4, there is a high likelihood that Butcher will meet his demise. This unexpected turn of events would undoubtedly come as a shock, especially considering Butcher's status as arguably the main character of the show. Nevertheless, this twist has the potential to succeed due to Butcher's self-destructive nature.
The lack of in-depth discussion about Hughie's mother in The Boys hints at a potentially dark history, which aligns with the show's focus on the impact of parents on their children's lives. While Butcher and Homelander are immersed in a tragic battle over paternity, Hughie's single father appears relatively stable in his fleeting appearances. Consequently, it would be logical for The Boys season 4 to unveil the revelation that Hughie's mother was actually a superhuman, especially considering his temporary acquisition of powers in season 3. This would also tie in with another potential twist.
8 Starlight and Hughie Have A Child In The Boys Season 4
When Hughie accidentally admitted to Starlight that he may have unintentionally signed them up to adopt a child while trying to access information in The Boys season 3, it opened up the possibility of Starlight and Hughie potentially having a child together. Although Starlight's role in The Boys season 4 makes a pregnancy unlikely (but not technically impossible), this forgotten subplot adds an interesting twist. The idea of them having a child would align thematically with The Boys season 4, especially if the series also brings Hughie's mother back into the forefront of the plot.
7 The Boys Season 4 Brings Back Stormfront
Stormfront's demise in The Boys season 3 was undeniably gruesome and drawn-out. However, considering her significant impact and the manipulation she orchestrated before her demise, it seems unlikely that she is truly dead. When we contemplate Soldier Boy's resilience throughout the season 3 finale, it is reasonable to entertain the possibility of Stormfront's return in The Boys season 4. Such a scenario would present a considerable hurdle for Homelander, as he had just begun to regain public favor after her demise. The question remains: will Homelander view Stormfront as a romantic interest or an obstacle?
6 Mother’s Milk Takes Compound V In The Boys Season 4
5 Ryan Will Kill Homelander In The Boys Season 4
:From his childhood, Mother's Milk has harbored a deep desire for revenge against Soldier Boy. Unfortunately, his lack of superpowers prevented him from confronting the villain during Herogasm. Considering that Hughie and Butcher have successfully used Temp V multiple times, and Mother's Milk's counterpart is a supe, it would be logical for him to harness the power of Temp V in order to level the playing field. However, if he struggles to control his newfound abilities, it is possible that Mother's Milk could transform into a villain in The Boys season 4.
Ryan's loyalties have wavered between Butcher and Homelander, but his choice to side with Homeland in The Boys season 3 finale doesn't necessarily mean it's a permanent decision. If Ryan eventually realizes the true extent of Homelander's wickedness, he could become the one to ultimately dispatch the villain. Given Ryan's hinted potential to match Homelander's power, this would serve as a fitting and karmic conclusion for the series' primary antagonist.
4 Stan Edgar Is Working With Neumann In The Boys Season 4
There is no possibility that Giancarlo Esposito’s character, Stan Edgar, will simply disappear after The Boys season 3. With his support, it would become more challenging for The Boys to thwart Victoria Neumann and her potential rise to higher political power, which would ultimately benefit Vought. Therefore, the most cunning move for this composed antagonist would be to maintain a low profile and collaborate with Neumann. It is highly probable that in The Boys season 4,
3 Vought Uses Soldier Boy Against Supes In The Boys Season 4
will indeed pursue this strategic alliance.Soldier Boy's return in The Boys season 4 is a logical move. Vought has him safely stored and he remains a formidable asset. However, his unique ability poses a significant threat to supes, as both Maeve and Kimiko lost their powers after confrontations with Soldier Boy. This suggests that he may possess the ability to drain supes of their powers during encounters, making him an invaluable asset to Vought in The Boys season 4. This also presents a major challenge to both Starlight and Homelander.
2 The Boys Season 4 Makes Homelander President
1 Todd Works For The Seven In The Boys Season 4
As season 4 of The Boys unfolds, it becomes increasingly evident that Homeland's presidential campaign serves as a satirical portrayal of right-wing politicians. Surprisingly, the unexpected contender has a genuine shot at becoming the President of the United States. Despite his polarizing image, Homelander boasts an extensive, unwavering support base, coupled with a powerful media machinery. Consequently, his rise to power in season 4 of The Boys appears highly probable.
In The Boys season 3, Todd served as a minor antagonist. However, if he were to align himself with the Seven, it could greatly benefit Homelander's campaign, leading to a renewed confrontation between Mother's Milk and Todd. By featuring Todd in The Boys season 4, the show would effectively satirize the dangerous consequences of celebrity worship evolving into extreme political fanaticism and the accompanying violence. Consequently, it is highly probable that The Boys season 4 will not only reintroduce this lesser villain but also empower him through his role in supporting Homelander's political ambitions.