On Friday, January 12, 2024, The Apothecary Diaries anime series officially announced the addition of voice actor Kouki Uchiyama, formerly known for his work as the voice of Tomura Shigaraki in My Hero Academia, to the cast for the upcoming 14th episode. Additionally, the anime has also cast two other voice actors, Takura Kirimoto and Kaori Nazuka. Kirimoto is known for his roles as Charlotte Cracker in One Piece and Masamune Kido in World Trigger, while Nazuka is recognized for her performance as Kiyoko Shimizu in Haikyuu!!.
The Apothecary Diaries anime initially premiered on October 21, 2023 in Japan as a part of the Fall 2023 broadcast season. The series also premiered with its first three episodes, which were also made available on Crunchyroll shortly after their premiere. The site has continued to stream the series internationally as it airs in Japan, and is also producing and streaming an English dubbed version of the series.
The Apothecary Diaries anime adds three big voice actors to its casting list in latest announcements
The latest
The Apothecary Diaries anime series has added three new cast members. Kouki Uchiyama will play Rikuson, described as Lakan's subordinate, while Takuya Kirimoto will portray monocle-wearing strategist Lakan. Kaori Nazuka joins as the enigmatic lady of the court known as Suirei. These new additions will join the starring cast members Aoi Yuki and Takeo Otsuka, as well as Katsuyuki Konishi as Gaoshun.
Atsumi Tanezaki as Gyokuyō
Yui Ishikawa as Lihua
Hina Kino as Lishu
Yuko Kaida as Ah-Duo
Megumi Han as Meimei
Ami Koshimizu as Pairin
Hiroki Nanami as Joka
Kimiko Saitō as Yarite Babaa (Madam)
Hiroshi Yanaka as Luomen
Kenji Akabane as Lihaku
Misaki Kuno as Xiaolan
Mitsuaki Kanuka as Yabu Isha (Quack Doctor)
The first season of the television anime series is being directed by Norihiro Naganuma at TOHO animation and OLM studios, with supervision of the scripts for the series. Akinori Fudesaka is credited as the assistant director, and Yukiko Nakatani is in charge of designing the characters. Shoji Hata serves as the sound director for the series, while Satoru Kousaki, Kevin Penkin, and Arisa Okehazama are responsible for composing the anime’s musical scores.
The TV anime series is based on the original light novel series "XXXX" by Natsu Hyuga and Touko Shino. "XXXX" originally started as a web novel on the Shosetsuka ni Naro website and is still ongoing. The series was later adapted into a light novel in 2014 and two separate manga series in 2017. Stay updated on all anime, manga, film, and live-action news throughout 2024.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z fan, I'm thrilled about the latest additions to the voice cast of The Apothecary Diaries anime series. Kouki Uchiyama, known for his portrayal of Tomura Shigaraki in My Hero Academia, brings a wealth of experience and talent to the show. His distinct voice and acting skills will undoubtedly add depth and complexity to the character of Rikuson.
The inclusion of Takura Kirimoto and Kaori Nazuka further enhances the already impressive cast. Kirimoto's versatility, showcased in roles like Charlotte Cracker and Masamune Kido, promises to bring a unique charm to the strategist Lakan. Meanwhile, Nazuka's ability to portray strong and enigmatic characters, as seen in her performance as Kiyoko Shimizu, makes her a perfect fit for the enigmatic lady of the court, Suirei. These additions elevate the overall quality of the anime and heighten my anticipation for the upcoming episodes.