Ted the Series: Is Mark Wahlberg Featured?
Ted the Series: Seth MacFarlane's highly anticipated return, but does Mark Wahlberg reprise his role in this hilarious show?
Is Mark Wahlberg also making a return to the show in Ted the Series alongside Seth MacFarlane?
The 2024 Peacock series is based on this synopsis: "Rude teddy bear Ted lives with 16-year-old John and his family in Massachusetts; although Ted may not be the best influence on John, he is a loyal buddy who is always there for his best friend."
The first Ted film premiered in 2012, with Seth MacFarlane voicing the titular character, along with Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. John Bennett, Wahlberg’s old character, will be a lead in the series, but not all characters from the movies will be appearing. This leads to the question of whether or not Wahlberg will be in the new series.
Does Mark Wahlberg make a cameo in Ted the series?
No, Mark Wahlberg does not appear as John Bennett in Ted the series. He also does not make a cameo as any other character.
Ted fans may be disappointed, but since this is a prequel and John is only 16, it makes sense for Wahlberg not to reprise his role. Max Burkholder, known for his performance in the first Purge movie, takes on the role of John Bennett instead. Although Wahlberg has not commented on the Ted series, Burkholder shared his approach to the role and the significant impact Wahlberg had on his performance in a recent interview with Dexerto.
I watched the movies repeatedly to let the story soak in, without trying to mimic Mark Wahlberg. My goal was to portray John Bennett, a 16-year-old who wished for his teddy bear to come to life. The material helped a lot, presenting the character as a foolish teenage boy with a teddy bear best friend. While I faced challenges with the accent, I aimed to bring my own interpretation to the role.
Ted the Series is now available to stream in full on Peacock. You can check out how to watch Wahlberg in the Ted movies here, and read more of our coverage of the show below:
Editor's P/S
As a huge fan of the Ted movies, I was thrilled to hear about the upcoming Ted series on Peacock. However, I was disappointed to learn that Mark Wahlberg would not be reprising his role as John Bennett. Wahlberg's portrayal of John was one of the highlights of the movies, and I can't imagine the series without him. I understand that the series is a prequel and that John will be younger, but I still think Wahlberg could have made it work.
Despite my disappointment about Wahlberg's absence, I'm still excited to watch the Ted series. Seth MacFarlane is a comedic genius, and I'm sure he has some great things in store for us. I'm also looking forward to seeing Max Burkholder take on the role of John Bennett. He sounds like a talented actor, and I'm confident he'll do a great job. Overall, I'm cautiously optimistic about the Ted series. I'm disappointed that Wahlberg won't be in it, but I'm still hopeful that it will be a great show.