Suspended President Sparks Chaos: Spanish Football Federation Unleashes Apology for Massive Fallout

Suspended President Sparks Chaos: Spanish Football Federation Unleashes Apology for Massive Fallout

RFEF apologizes for the immense harm caused by suspended president Luis Rubiales Acting president Pedro Rocha distances the federation from Rubiales and expresses shame for the pain caused Spain captain Morata condemns Rubiales' unacceptable behavior while Rubiales denies any aggression

The actions of the suspended president, Luis Rubiales, have caused significant harm, and the Spanish football federation (RFEF) has apologized for this. FIFA has temporarily prohibited the 46-year-old from participating in any football-related activities for an initial period of 90 days, as it looks into his behavior during the Women's World Cup final in Sydney last month.

Rubiales, despite Hermoso's lack of consent, has chosen not to step down after kissing her on the lips during the award ceremony.

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Pedro Rocha, the current acting president of the Spanish federation, has expressed his disapproval of Rubiales' actions in a letter, highlighting his deep shame. Rocha emphasizes the immense damage inflicted upon Spanish football, sport, society, and the overall principles of football and sport.

"Mr Rubiales' actions do not represent the values defended by the Spanish federation, nor the values of Spanish society as a whole.

Suspended President Sparks Chaos: Spanish Football Federation Unleashes Apology for Massive Fallout


President of the RFEF Luis Rubiales embraced Jennifer Hermoso shortly before footage showed him kissing her on the lips

The sole and exclusive responsibility for his actions lies with him, as he is accountable for those actions before society, the sports governing bodies, and, if necessary, the justice system.

It is important to clarify that this viewpoint belongs to Mr. Rubiales, not the RFEF. We deeply regret and feel ashamed for the pain and additional distress this has brought about.

Spain captain Morata condemns Rubiales' "unacceptable behaviour"

Spain men's team captain Alvaro Morata has condemned Rubiales for his "unacceptable conduct" subsequent to Spain's triumph in the Women's World Cup 16 days ago.

At an impromptu press conference on Monday, the Spanish men's team convened, during which Morata, alongside fellow senior captains Marco Asensio, Cesar Azpilicueta, and Rodri, conveyed a statement on behalf of the squad. This statement was also published on the Spanish Football Federation website.

"We condemn the unacceptable behavior exhibited by Mr. Rubiales, as it does not align with the principles of the institution he represents.

"We wholeheartedly align ourselves with the core values that this sport symbolizes."

Spanish football should serve as a catalyst for promoting respect, inspiration, inclusion, and diversity. It should exemplify good conduct both during matches and outside the field. Additionally, Morata showed solidarity towards players whose achievements have been negatively impacted.

The Spanish Sport Administrative Tribunal (TAD) initiated a case against Rubiales on Friday, accusing him of "serious misconduct." Hermoso, along with her 22 teammates, has declared her refusal to participate in the national team until Rubiales resigns.

Rubiales denies 'any aggression'

Suspended President Sparks Chaos: Spanish Football Federation Unleashes Apology for Massive Fallout


Luis Rubiales has refused to resign as president of the Spanish FA

Last Friday, Rubiales issued a fresh defence of his actions at the Women's World Cup final medal ceremony.

Rubiales' statement came as the Spanish football federation called for him to step down.

He expressed, "The joyousness and impromptu nature of the significant moment prompted us to engage in a collaborative and agreed-upon action, driven by immense enthusiasm.

"There was never any form of aggression, instead, there was not even a hint of uneasiness, only an overwhelming sense of elation from both parties.

I reaffirm that there was mutual consent from both parties, as evidenced by the warm embraces, the peak moment, and the subsequent farewell filled with affectionate gestures on the stage where the medals were presented.

Furthermore, I have been experiencing an increasing level of support from individuals encountered on the streets and also through social media platforms.