Stellan Skarsgård, who stars in Andor, describes the show as Star Wars for adults. The series, created by the Oscar-nominated Tony Gilroy, premiered on Disney+ in September 2022. It follows Cassian Andor (played by Diego Luna) leading up to the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The first season received rave reviews, generating high anticipation for Andor season 2. This futuristic drama is often praised for offering a more mature take on the franchise spinoff.
Skarsgård reflected on his career while promoting Dune 2 in a video for Vanity Fair.
Explaining why he believes Andor is Star Wars for adults, the Emmy-nominated actor who portrays Luthen Rael in the Disney+ series also discussed shooting a memorable monologue scene 10 times. See Skarsgård's insights below:
Human beings have different sides to them depending on who they are with - family, friends, and so on. In the show Andor, this idea is portrayed through characters who have multiple facets. The script was written by Tony Gilroy, who did a great job capturing this complexity. The show is like a more mature version of Star Wars, set in a society that is oppressive and fascist. The characters are well-developed, making the story engaging and realistic.
During an interview, it was revealed that the actor had to rehearse a particular speech 10 times before getting it right.
Andor Is Star Wars For Grownups... But It's Still Star Wars
I had to redo it 10 times because it just didn't feel right. You know when something feels off... you just know deep down. Finally, I found a script that resonated with me, like a character I've always wanted to portray since I was 10 years old. Who wouldn't want to pilot a spaceship and shoot ray guns? It's every little boy's dream.
Cassian flying off Aldhani in Andor. - Andor Is Star Wars For Grownups... But It's Still Star Wars
Andor is being hailed as one of the strongest Star Wars stories in recent years, as indicated by Skarsgård. The series has been recognized with eight Emmy nominations and has garnered praise from both critics and viewers alike. This success can be attributed to its powerful themes of fighting against oppression and striving for a brighter future, as well as the skillful pacing by Gilroy and his team, which seamlessly blends intense action sequences with memorable character interactions.
The futuristic drama benefits from telling its story across multiple episodes instead of a confined feature film. It effectively develops the titular character Luna into a compelling lead, as well as Luthen and Mon Mothma, who navigate double lives amidst personal turmoil. The show also gives depth to antagonists like Syril and Dedra.
Gilroy's saga succeeds because it understands how to execute its ambitious vision.
Andor truly excels as a TV show in the long run, standing out among other Disney+ Star Wars and Marvel series. It starts by focusing on characters and sharp writing, blending that with the grandeur of blockbuster movies. Despite being described as more mature by some, Gilroy's creation succeeds because it understands how to achieve its ambitious goals perfectly.
Editor's P/S:
Stellan Skarsgård's description of "Andor" as "Star Wars for adults" is a fascinating perspective that highlights the show's departure from the franchise's traditional fare. The series' focus on complex characters, oppressive societies, and mature themes sets it apart from its predecessors, appealing to audiences who crave a more sophisticated and realistic take on the beloved universe. Skarsgård's insights into the show's development, particularly the meticulous rehearsal process, underscore the dedication and craftsmanship behind this unique and acclaimed series.
The article also sheds light on the success of "Andor" as a TV show. Its episodic format allows for in-depth character development and a seamless blend of intense action with memorable interactions. The show's ability to balance these elements effectively has resulted in critical acclaim and a loyal fan base. By embracing a more mature approach and staying true to its ambitious vision, "Andor" has established itself as a standout series within the Star Wars and Marvel universes.