Starfield: Embark on an Epic Adventure to Determine the Fate of the Universe!

Starfield: Embark on an Epic Adventure to Determine the Fate of the Universe!

Experience the gripping dilemma of Starfield's Entangled mission as you face the heart-wrenching choice between saving Rafael or Director Patel, and determine the ultimate fate of countless lives

In Starfield, players will encounter multiple life-or-death situations, including one in the Entangled side quest. Here, they are faced with the task of selecting between two interconnected versions of reality, linked by an Artifact and an experimental machine.

In one reality, there is Rafael, a Nishina researcher believed to be deceased for an extended period. The other reality consists of a group of twenty to thirty individuals. Players are compelled to determine which of these two alternate universes will cease to exist. While the choice may seem straightforward, Starfield players are advised to carefully consider the potential ramifications before reaching a conclusion.

Should You Save Rafael or Director Patel?

Starfield: Embark on an Epic Adventure to Determine the Fate of the Universe!

After successfully navigating the lab and reaching the malfunctioning probe, players will be presented with a pivotal choice: which version of reality to rescue. The defining moment arrives when their active objective shifts to "Disengage Power Interlocks (0/7) or Switch Universes." It is at this juncture that the destiny of the Artifact intertwined with their decision emerges. The universe where the Artifact is extracted will be salvaged, while the other will fade into nonexistence.

Starfield: Embark on an Epic Adventure to Determine the Fate of the Universe!

If players opt to save Rafael's version of reality, they will have the opportunity to enlist Rafael as a companion. Conversely, if they choose to preserve Director Patel's reality, they will receive the esteemed Incendiary Calibrated Experimental Nishina Spacesuit, a Legendary Spacesuit infused with the Beast Hunter, Auto-Medic, and Incendiary modifications. Additionally, they will receive a generous amount of extra Credits. However, it is worth noting that accruing Credits in Starfield is remarkably effortless, so this aspect should not heavily influence their decision.

Starfield: Embark on an Epic Adventure to Determine the Fate of the Universe!

Opting to rescue the Director and the entire team at the Nishina lab may appear to be the morally correct decision, considering that saving numerous lives holds more significance than the life of a single individual. However, perspectives may vary. In the grand scheme of things, having an extra crew member could potentially be more advantageous than obtaining another Spacesuit, even if it happens to be a highly esteemed Legendary one. It is essential to note that superior Spacesuits can be found within Starfield for those who possess the knowledge of where to search, but there exists only one Rafael.

Starfield is currently accessible for PC and Xbox Series X|S.