Star-Lord’s MCU Villain Story Hints At His Future Arc Years Before It Can Happen

Star-Lord’s MCU Villain Story Hints At His Future Arc Years Before It Can Happen

Marvel Studios' What If...? season 2 is set to show off Peter Quill's strength as an MCU villain, potentially setting up a future storyline for Chris Pratt's live-action Star-Lord after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

What If...? Season 2's Star-Lord Suggests What His Main MCU Story On Earth Might Look Like

Marvel Studios' What If...? season 2 is set to delve into the intriguing concept of an alternate reality where Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord, never left Earth. This deviation from the original storyline of Guardians of the Galaxy is expected to shed light on an entirely different path that Quill's life could have taken, potentially hinting at a darker and more complex future for the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

Peter Quill walking in front of fire in What If...? season 2 trailer

Peter Quill walking in front of fire in What If...? season 2 trailer

The premise of What If...? season 2, episode 2, titled 'What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?,' revolves around the idea that Peter Quill was never abducted by the Ravagers and instead remained on Earth. This scenario presents a unique opportunity to explore the consequences of Quill's presence on Earth and the potential emergence of his Celestial abilities within the confines of his home planet.

Mar-Vell, Bill Foster, T'Chaka and Hank Pym fighting Peter Quill in What If...? season 2 trailer

Mar-Vell, Bill Foster, T'Chaka and Hank Pym fighting Peter Quill in What If...? season 2 trailer

Trailers for What If...? season 2 have provided glimpses of a young Peter Quill on Earth, showcasing his interactions and experiences that differ from his space-bound upbringing. These scenes offer a compelling glimpse into the alternate trajectory of Quill's life, raising questions about his potential as a formidable villain within the MCU.

Young Peter Quill in What If...? season 2 trailer

Young Peter Quill in What If...? season 2 trailer

The revelation that an Earthbound Peter Quill could evolve into a powerful villain suggests a significant departure from the heroic role he has embodied as the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy. This unexpected twist in his character arc opens up new possibilities for storytelling and adds layers of complexity to his journey within the MCU.

Peter Quill causing an explosion in What If...? season 2 trailer

Peter Quill causing an explosion in What If...? season 2 trailer

Why Star-Lord's Teased Earth Story Is Perfect For His MCU Arc

The prospect of exploring Peter Quill's narrative on Earth presents a compelling opportunity to delve into his internal conflicts and the challenges of adapting to an environment vastly different from the cosmic landscapes he has known. Having been raised in space by Yondu and the Ravagers, Quill's return to Earth could prompt a 'fish out of water' storyline, highlighting the juxtaposition of his experiences and the stark realities of life on his home planet.

Peter Quill back on Earth at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Peter Quill back on Earth at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

The absence of superhuman abilities following the demise of his Celestial father, Ego, in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, raises questions about Quill's identity and his pursuit of heroism. The contrast between his perceptions of heroism and the limitations he faces on Earth introduces a compelling narrative arc that could shape his future decisions and actions within the MCU.

Young Peter Quill with a toy in What If...? season 2 trailer

Young Peter Quill with a toy in What If...? season 2 trailer