Shock Announcement: The Future of Elder Scrolls Uncertain as Todd Howard Hints at Departure

Shock Announcement: The Future of Elder Scrolls Uncertain as Todd Howard Hints at Departure

Todd Howard hints that The Elder Scrolls 6 may mark the end of his tenure at Bethesda Softworks, fueling speculation about the future of the franchise and the company

Renowned game director and executive producer at Bethesda, Todd Howard, has recently shared some news about The Elder Scrolls 6 that may leave fans feeling bittersweet. During the press tour for the highly anticipated release of Starfield this September, Howard briefly discussed the company's other major project in development. With Howard's impressive track record of acclaimed franchises like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, as well as the upcoming Starfield, the future of Bethesda as a gaming powerhouse remains a topic of speculation among eager fans.

Bethesda's future plans were revealed by Howard during a conversation with IGN. He confirmed that after Starfield, the highly anticipated The Elder Scrolls 6 will be the next major title, followed by Fallout 5. However, what caught the attention of many was Howard's suggestion that he might be taking a step back from his leadership role within the company after the release of The Elder Scrolls 6. In the interview, Howard discussed how the game development landscape has changed over the years, with development teams now expected to provide long-term support and regular updates for each release. This shift in focus has left Howard wondering about the future of his career.

Shock Announcement: The Future of Elder Scrolls Uncertain as Todd Howard Hints at Departure

The development team behind Starfield has embraced a modern mindset, committing to providing extensive long-term support and continuous updates for the game. However, the upcoming release of The Elder Scrolls 6 has prompted some reflection from Todd Howard. Although he has not provided any specifics, he openly acknowledges that time is passing and considers how long players will engage with Elder Scrolls games. This contemplation raises the possibility that The Elder Scrolls 6 could be his final project, potentially signaling the end of an illustrious career in the industry. While an official release date has not been announced, Bethesda's development approach and the first teaser's debut in 2018 leave some wondering if the highly anticipated game will skip the current console generation entirely.

It is uncertain whether Todd Howard will continue to lead the development of future Elder Scrolls games, given his extensive post-release support and the franchise's continued success. The idea of a Bethesda game without Howard's leadership is certainly a cause for concern, and only time will tell if his involvement with the company will continue beyond this project. However, fans can take solace in the fact that The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

Source: IGN