Sharon Stone Reveals Producer Who Reportedly Pressured Her Regarding 'Sliver' Scene with Billy Baldwin

Sharon Stone Reveals Producer Who Reportedly Pressured Her Regarding 'Sliver' Scene with Billy Baldwin

Sharon Stone discloses the identity of the producer who reportedly pushed her to enhance scenes with Billy Baldwin in the 1993 film 'Sliver'

Sharon Stone Names Producer Who Pushed Her to Sleep With Billy Baldwin

Sharon Stone Names Producer Who Pushed Her to Sleep With Billy Baldwin

Sharon Stone, Billy Baldwin Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images; Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images

Sharon Stone is sharing about a producer who reportedly tried to force her to have sex with her Sliver costar Billy Baldwin - and now, she's revealing his name.

In her 2021 memoir, The Beauty of Living Twice, Stone had kept the producer's identity a secret. But during an interview on "The Louis Theroux Podcast" on Tuesday, March 12, the 66-year-old actress named him as the late Robert Evans.

"He's running around his office in his sunglasses, telling me that he had slept with Ava Gardner and suggesting that I should sleep with Billy Baldwin. He believed that if I slept with Billy Baldwin, his performance would improve," Stone recounted the alleged conversation. "It was important for Billy to do well in the movie, as that was the issue we were facing."

We have contacted Baldwin for his response.

Stone revealed that Evans, who passed away at 89 in 2019, believed that her and Baldwin, 61, would have great chemistry on screen in the 1993 film if they had slept together in real life.

She admitted, "The real issue in the movie was me because I was too uptight and not like a true actress who could just go for it and bring things back on track."

Stone also claimed that Evans refused to consider the actors she recommended for the role, mentioning that she had no chemistry issues with other costars.

She expressed, "I didn't have to be intimate with [Basic Instinct costar] Michael Douglas. He could come to set prepared, hit his marks, deliver his lines, rehearse, and show up. But now it feels like I'm being pushed into a situation where I have to engage in inappropriate relationships."

Stone revealed in her book, The Beauty of Living Twice, that a certain individual, not named at the time, made unwelcome advances towards her. She felt that these advances were likely influenced by the producer, following a conversation she had with Roberts.

Sharon Stone Names Producer Who Pushed Her to Sleep With Billy Baldwin

Sharon Stone Names Producer Who Pushed Her to Sleep With Billy Baldwin

Producer Robert Evans Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic

She expressed her frustration with the decision to cast a certain actor despite his inability to perform well during the test. "You guys insisted on this actor when he couldn’t get one whole scene out in the test," she wrote. She believed that simply sleeping with him would not magically improve his acting skills. "Now you think if I f–k him, he will become a fine actor? Nobody’s that good in bed," she expressed. She suggested that it would have been better to hire a talented co-star who could deliver their lines effectively. "I felt they could have just hired a costar with talent, someone who could deliver a scene and remember his lines," she stated.

Stone spoke about her experience working with Baldwin in a 2021 interview with The New Yorker. Despite criticizing his acting skills, she showed understanding and empathy towards him. Stone denied a rumor that she bit Baldwin's tongue during a kissing scene in the movie Sliver.

Stone described Baldwin as sweet, young, and naive during the filming of Sliver. She felt that he was not aware of the manipulative tactics used by others on set. Stone mentioned how she tried to help Baldwin with their scenes by inviting him to her trailer, but he may not have realized her genuine intentions due to the pressure of the industry pushing alternative realities on them.

Editor's P/S:

Sharon Stone's