Seth Rogen's Controversial Scooter Hatred in Apple's Platonic: Revealed!

Seth Rogen's Controversial Scooter Hatred in Apple's Platonic: Revealed!

Discover the intriguing reasons behind Will's intense disdain for transit scooters in Apple's Platonic Seth Rogen's comedic actions shed light on a deeper meaning that surprisingly aligns with common sense Uncover the truth behind this hilarious yet thought-provoking storyline

Seth Rogen's character, Will, in Apple's comedy series Platonic, has an intense dislike for scooters. The show reunites Rogen and Rose Byrne, who portray childhood friends Will and Sylvia. As adults, they quickly reconnect and find themselves entangled in each other's lives, attempting to overcome the initial issue that ended their friendship. One of the highlights of the show is Will's hilarious and politically decentralized nature. As a partial owner of a successful brewery and taproom in Los Angeles, Will is grounded in his anti-establishment beliefs. He also possesses a spontaneous personality trait, which leads to his frequent destruction of transit scooters, seemingly without a clear motive.

Will's Hatred Of Scooters In Platonic Explained

Seth Rogen's Controversial Scooter Hatred in Apple's Platonic: Revealed!

Will's disdain for scooters and his tendency to destroy them for personal amusement is a recurring comedic element in Platonic season 1. The frequency at which he targets these scooters has left viewers questioning his motives. Will's non-conformist nature could be the primary reason why he finds pleasure in destroying transit scooters instead of engaging in more traditional activities like watching baseball and eating hotdogs at Dodgers Stadium, as depicted in Platonic season 1, episode 5.

Will shares a common frustration with the abundance of scooters that have become a common sight in major cities across America. These scooters are often haphazardly parked on sidewalks, posing potential hazards. Will takes advantage of the fact that he can damage these scooters without facing any consequences, and he takes delight in teaching Charlie and Stewart how to swing them in the air. His enjoyment stems from the idea that he is rebelling against corporate America, aligning with his deeper societal beliefs.

Seth Rogen's Actions Toward Scooters In Platonic Is Funny, But The Deeper Meaning Makes Sense

Seth Rogen's Controversial Scooter Hatred in Apple's Platonic: Revealed!

Will's unconventional perspective on life and capitalism is prominently showcased in season 1, episode 3. Despite the potential financial gain, he adamantly refuses to allow his Lucky Penny Brewing Company to collaborate with the restaurant chain Johnny66 due to a fundamental mismatch in themes. Will's rejection stems from his deep-rooted disdain for materialism, as he prioritizes the authenticity and integrity of his product, as well as every aspect of his life. This mindset becomes evident through his comical yet defiant acts of damaging transit scooters, which serve as a symbolic protest against the profit-driven approach of large corporations. Will's audacious behavior towards the scooters serves as a vivid manifestation of his rebellious convictions within the realm of Platonic.