Rick and Morty: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Rick's Tragic Loss in Season 7

Rick and Morty: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Rick's Tragic Loss in Season 7

Rick's relentless pursuit for justice intensifies in Season 7 of Rick and Morty Uncover the dark secrets behind his wife's tragic death and witness the epic clash between Prime Rick and his malevolent counterpart Prepare for an adrenaline-pumping adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat!

Rick and Morty had always depicted Rick Sanchez as a detached genius, seemingly impervious to emotions. However, over time, this image began to change as viewers delved into Rick's intricate past, uncovering the reasons behind his interdimensional travels and the creation of the Council of Ricks.

Beneath the complex narrative of the show lies a poignant truth: Rick witnessed the death of his own wife in an unexpected assault carried out by a different version of himself. As Season 7 unfolds, the show undergoes significant transformations, but the question remains: will it address Rick's quest to find his wife's killer and ultimately find closure?

How did Rick's wife Die?

Rick and Morty: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Rick's Tragic Loss in Season 7

Rick, a self-proclaimed unsympathetic recluse consumed by science, completely dismisses any emotional attachments, including his own daughter. He firmly advocates for devoted focus on science, arguing that love is a futile pursuit that yields no positive outcomes. Nevertheless, this perspective is a mere façade, concealing the profound pain and regret that plague him every single day.

As fans delve deeper into the story, they uncover the devastating truth about our protagonist. Years ago, Rick tragically lost his wife to an alternate version of himself. This alternate Rick, offering him a portal gun, was met with refusal and retaliated by sending a bomb into Rick's residence, resulting in the death of his beloved spouse. Motivated by a burning desire for vengeance, Rick took it upon himself to seek out this alternate version and put an end to his life. His quest spanned years, taking the lives of numerous Ricks across different dimensions and absorbing the knowledge and intellect of these entities to augment his own. However, despite his relentless efforts, Rick's pursuit to locate the specific version of himself failed, leaving him spiraling into a deep depression, which ultimately led to alcoholism. In one last desperate attempt, Rick decides to reside in his original reality, patiently waiting for his adversary's return.

Will Rick pursue evil Rick in season 7?

Rick and Morty: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Rick's Tragic Loss in Season 7

Season six concluded with Rick's renewed determination to track down evil Rick. Although they briefly crossed paths, evil Rick managed to elude him. Deciding to prioritize the safety of his loved ones, Rick temporarily halts the pursuit, but once they are out of harm's way, he dedicates all his time to resuming the search. Showing unwavering commitment, Rick builds a robot to spend time with his family so that he can fully concentrate on his mission. The first half of season six follows the adventures of this robotic version of Rick, who accompanies Morty and spends time with the family. A surprising revelation occurs when fans discover that Morty is actually the biological grandson of evil Rick, given that the original Rick never had children.

As season six draws to a close, Rick solemnly confides in Morty, assuring him that he is willing to do whatever it takes to find evil Rick. Acknowledging the immense brilliance of his adversary, Rick remarks that it will be a challenging task. Evil Rick manages to exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously, requiring Rick to visit each location in order to track him down. Prime Rick's disheveled appearance serves as evidence of his relentless focus and limited rest over time. The seventh season trailer commences with Rick informing Morty that he has finally located the version of himself responsible for his wife's death, emphasizing that the upcoming episodes will see Rick persisting in the pursuit, no matter the obstacles he may encounter.

What is the difference between Prime Rick and Evil Rick?

Rick and Morty: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Rick's Tragic Loss in Season 7

Across the multiverse, there are numerous iterations of Ricks and Mortys who share similar personality traits and issues. However, Prime Rick and evil Rick stand out distinctly from the others. It is evident that evil Rick is responsible for the traumatic experiences that Prime Rick had to endure. Besides sharing a different background, these two individuals possess unique mindsets and demonstrate unparalleled innovation. In terms of technological prowess, both Ricks surpass their counterparts by a significant margin. Unlike the others, Prime Rick acknowledges his superiority, as he is not bound by the same rules that govern them.

In the vast multiverse, each Rick had a wife and daughter who eventually started their own families, resulting in the birth of Morty and his becoming Rick's partner in adventures. However, Prime Rick is an exception, as he never had a daughter and consequently lacks a biological grandson to accompany him on his exploits. Instead, the Morty he has established a strong bond with is the grandson of evil Rick. Notably, evil Rick possesses advanced technology that grants him eternal youth and the ability to almost instantly recover from life-threatening injuries.

Although Prime Rick attempts to project an apathetic attitude towards his family and friends, his true sentiments become evident to fans who discover that he deeply cares for Morty and his adopted family. In contrast, evil Rick genuinely lacks concern for anyone other than himself. He has abandoned his family without any desire to reconnect with them. The motives behind his actions remain shrouded in mystery, leaving everyone wondering about his thought process and what his next move might be.