Solar Opposites Season 4: Unveiling a Mind-Blowing Twist in Justin Roiland's Departure

Solar Opposites Season 4 playfully addresses Justin Roiland's departure while showcasing the show's ability to thrive, offering a fresh take on Korvo's new voice and highlighting the success of the Rick and Morty connection
Solar Opposites season 4 made headlines for replacing Justin Roiland, but the show cleverly acknowledged the change with a meta-joke. Although not as popular as Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites still boasts a dedicated fan base. However, when news of Roiland's firing due to allegations of domestic abuse emerged, the show's creators decided to part ways with him and find a replacement, similar to what happened with Rick and Morty. Unlike Rick and Morty, which has a notoriously slow production process, Solar Opposites season 4 is set to be released on August 14, 2023. This allowed Solar Opposites to address the controversy before Rick and Morty's production team had a chance to respond.
Solar Opposites Explained Korvo’s New Voice With A Joke
In Solar Opposites season 4's trailer, Korvo is seen being stabbed in the neck with a dart by Terry. To rectify the damage caused, a "voice-fixing ray" is employed to restore his voice box, resulting in a new voice that is noticeably different and unexpectedly British. Given the show's lighter tone compared to Rick and Morty, this bold meta-gag is able to be successfully executed.
Interestingly, the ray transforms Korvo's voice to resemble that of actor Dan Stevens, which the cast acknowledges in a self-referential manner before embracing and moving forward with the change. The trailer's narration encourages fans to do the same, solidifying Stevens as the new voice of Korvo, taking over from Roiland.
Later in the trailer for season 4 of Solar Opposites, the character Korvo mentions that his voice will be different in flashbacks due to a dubiously scientific explanation. He also humorously encourages viewers to accept this change. This clever meta-joke is in line with the show's overall playful tone, as Solar Opposites has consistently included similar moments that break the fourth wall. By drawing attention to Korvo's altered voice, the show maintains its established world and could potentially be a positive development for the creators of Rick and Morty season 7.
Solar Opposites Season 4 Proves Rick and Morty Can Work
While Rick and Morty season 7 replacing Roiland may pose a challenge, Solar Opposites season 4 has already demonstrated that it is attainable. The creators of Rick and Morty season 7 should consider completely altering the voices of both Rick and Morty, similar to what Solar Opposites season 4 did with Korvo. Rather than resorting to hiring a soundalike, which could be seen as desperate, the creators of Rick and Morty season 7 could embrace meta-comedy and directly acknowledge and address the voice changes. This approach has proven successful in Solar Opposites season 4 and could be equally effective in future instances where Roiland's voice needs to be replaced.