Rick and Morty Season 7 Finale Resolves Key Issue

Rick and Morty Season 7 Finale Resolves Key Issue

Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 10, 'Fear No Mort', triumphantly addresses a crucial character flaw, leaving fans exhilarated and satisfied

Rick and Morty Season 7 has come to an end, and the finale not only met expectations but also addressed a significant issue. Despite a rocky start, the season gained momentum with standout moments such as the "suicide spaghetti" plot in Episode 4 and the impactful conclusion of Rick Prime's storyline in Episode 5.

The latest chapter of Rick and Morty Season 7 had fans on edge with two standout episodes, but the epic finale last night finally provided the answer everyone was waiting for. The return of a significant character and the resolution of a long-running issue were the highlights of Season 7 Episode 10, 'Fear No Mort', as the titular characters confronted their fears. Spoiler alert!

Rick and Morty Season 7 finale fixes major problem

Rick’s wife, Diane Sanchez, has historically been the driving force behind all of his decisions, but her character has often been underdeveloped and solely used to advance Rick’s narrative. However, in ‘Fear No Mort’, viewers are presented with a deeper understanding of Diane through Morty’s recollections, allowing her character to undergo a significant transformation.

In Season 7 Episode 10, Rick and Morty confront their most intense fears by jumping into The Hole, a place where individuals can experience their own phobias. The act of facing and experiencing these fears is a means of overcoming them. However, when they eventually leave and return home, they are startled to find Diane, who had died, showing up alive. This prompts Rick to realize that they are still trapped in The Hole. He concludes that Morty's greatest fear is the thought of Rick bringing Diane back to life, causing Morty to feel that his presence will no longer be needed by his grandfather.

The episode reveals that Morty is actually completely alone, facing his fear of relying on Rick. He fears that Rick wouldn't even jump into The Hole after him, though it is later shown that Rick does care about Morty. The virtual Rick spends time with virtual Diane, providing insight into her character as someone who is aware of Rick's flaws but ultimately accepts them. Diane proves to be a caring mother, fun, and capable of holding her liquor.

Rick and Morty Season 7 Finale Resolves Key Issue

Adult Swim

It's clear why Rick adores her. Up to this point, her role has mainly served Rick's narrative, but 'Fear No Mort' changed that.

One Reddit user commented, "Great episode! Enjoyed seeing more of Diane's personality and happy that Morty confronted his fear of relying on Rick." Another expressed, "Holy sh*t, this was a fantastic episode. I think we've seen the most of Diane in this one."

There were several people who were left with lingering questions about Diane's portrayal through Morty's memories, with one person inquiring, "Was the Diane in Morty's fears an accurate depiction of her, or simply a figment of Morty's imagination?"

Rick and Morty Season 7 Episodes 1-9 are available on Adult Swim now. You can check out more of our coverage below:

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I'm thrilled with the way Rick and Morty Season 7 concluded. The season started off a little shaky, but it quickly picked up steam and delivered some truly outstanding episodes. The "suicide spaghetti" plot in Episode 4 was particularly memorable, and the conclusion of Rick Prime's storyline in Episode 5 was incredibly satisfying.

The finale, titled 'Fear No Mort', was an absolute masterpiece. It not only met my expectations but also exceeded them. The return of Rick's wife, Diane Sanchez, was a major highlight, and the way her character was developed in this episode was simply brilliant. We finally got to see a deeper side of Diane, and it was clear that she was much more than just a plot device. The exploration of Morty's fears and his relationship with Rick was also incredibly well done. The episode left me feeling exhilarated and satisfied, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for Rick and Morty.