Revolutionizing the Gaming Landscape: A Glimpse into Immortals Fenyx Rising's Groundbreaking Sequel

Revolutionizing the Gaming Landscape: A Glimpse into Immortals Fenyx Rising's Groundbreaking Sequel

Immortals Fenyx Rising 2: A Missed Opportunity to Break Free from Ubisoft's Gameplay Loop, Vanished Potential


Ubisoft has reportedly canceled any plans for a sequel to Immortals Fenyx Rising, which is a shame considering the game was a fun and unique experience.

The canceled sequel was said to have deviated from Ubisoft's typical style of gameplay and had the potential to introduce a fresh and successful franchise for the studio. Leaked information regarding the cancellation indicates that it had the potential to be something exceptional, featuring a unique art style, exploration mechanics, and a more somber tone. Additionally, it would have taken bold risks and revolutionized the existing formula.

Ubisoft typically sticks to their established franchises, but occasionally they break free from that pattern and offer fresh new experiences. One such example was the release of Immortals Fenyx Rising in 2020, which bore similarities to Breath of the Wild. While the game had its flaws, it was a truly enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, it seems that any future adventures featuring Fenyx have been discarded indefinitely, which is a disappointment.

The decision to cancel the sequel for Immortals Fenyx Rising is truly unfortunate considering how much fun the game was. This sequel was meant to bring about a significant change in direction for the franchise, setting it apart from anything Ubisoft had done before. Consequently, the cancellation is even more disheartening. It had the potential to break free from the usual Ubisoft mold, but instead, players will continue to be presented with the same type of Ubisoft games they have grown accustomed to over the years.

Immortals Fenyx Rising 2 Didn't Deserve to Be Canceled

Revolutionizing the Gaming Landscape: A Glimpse into Immortals Fenyx Rising's Groundbreaking Sequel

Ubisoft's take on Zelda: Breath of the Wild with a Greek Mythology twist, Immortals Fenyx Rising, captivated players with its enjoyable gameplay, vibrant world, and comedic writing. While it incorporated some elements from the Assassin's Creed series, the game offered a fresh experience for Ubisoft. Anticipation was high for a potential new franchise, but unfortunately, those hopes have been shattered.

Immortals Fenyx Rising did not achieve the commercial success Ubisoft had hoped for, leading the studio to shift their focus to their established brands. Consequently, plans for a sequel have been scrapped, and fans will likely have to wait a long time for a new installment in the Immortals Fenyx Rising series. There is a possibility that it may emerge in the future, but Ubisoft Quebec's original vision appears to be abandoned.

Ubisoft Quebec intended to create a significant departure from its usual gameplay loop with the next Immortals Fenyx Rising game. Drawing inspiration from Elden Ring, the game aimed to provide a more immersive and challenging exploration experience. It was rumored to delve into Polynesian mythology, adopt a realistic art style, and embrace a more serious tone. In addition, the open world and core mechanics were expected to undergo substantial changes that could have greatly improved the formula.

These leaked details suggest that Immortals Fenyx Rising had the potential to be a truly exceptional game for Ubisoft. The studio has often faced criticism for its repetitive open-world game design, but Immortals 2 aimed to break that mold. By taking risks that many modern Ubisoft titles shy away from, the gameplay style of the game could have been what Ubisoft needed at the time. It would have offered a refreshing change of pace, possibly even winning over some skeptics if it had ever been released.

Although it is understandable to prioritize the highly successful Assassin's Creed franchise, it is disappointing to accept the probable cancellation of Immortals 2. Immortals Fenyx Rising already showcased a distinct gameplay experience for the studio, and its potential sequel had the potential to elevate it even further. One can only hope that the concept and world of Immortals Fenyx Rising find a way to endure in some capacity, as it would be a great loss if they were permanently discarded.

Immortals Fenyx Rising is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.