Revolutionizing The Division: 5 Must-Have Improvements for Heartland

Revolutionizing The Division: 5 Must-Have Improvements for Heartland

Ubisoft's upcoming closed beta for The Division Heartland calls for significant improvements to outshine Division 2 The top 5 crucial enhancements that need attention include melee combat, eliminating bullet sponge enemies, resolving PC crashing issues, faster movement and parkour, and introducing new weapons and better loot

After Ubisoft's recent gameplay overview reveal, fans of The Division franchise are eagerly anticipating what The Division Heartland has in store. Based on the latest information, it seems that the game will stick to the same core gameplay loop and engine as its predecessor but with a strong emphasis on PvEvP in a free-to-play survival setting. While the free-to-play aspect has raised concerns about the potential for excessive microtransactions, it has also sparked discussions about how The Division franchise can push the boundaries and exceed expectations.

5 Melee Combat

Revolutionizing The Division: 5 Must-Have Improvements for Heartland

Melee combat in The Division 2 is underwhelming and rarely utilized, despite the inclusion of builds that can enhance its damage output. Although the game prioritizes gunplay and long-range encounters, players often find themselves in close-quarters combat where melee could be useful. Without builds centered around shotguns or high-output close-range damage, players can easily become overwhelmed. However, The Division Heartland's reveal features a brief sequence of the player equipped with a melee baton, hinting at the addition of new weapons and mechanics to the game. To truly enhance the melee experience, developers should include more animations, a wider variety of weapons, and a more robust melee system that adds a new dimension to gameplay.

4 No More Bullet Sponge Enemies

Revolutionizing The Division: 5 Must-Have Improvements for Heartland

In The Division games, RPG elements take center stage and while this is a defining feature, there is an aspect that needs improving. As difficulty levels increase, players expect more challenging scenarios, smarter AI tactics, and the need to adapt their strategies to survive. However, the time it takes to deplete enemies' armor is excessively long, even for players with builds designed to counter this. This can leave players feeling overwhelmed and outnumbered in the face of "Heroic" or "Legendary" difficulties. To prevent this in Heartland, developers should aim to strike a balance between reasonable armor depletion times and maintaining the AI's intelligence in their pursuit of players.

3 No More Crashing (PC)

Revolutionizing The Division: 5 Must-Have Improvements for Heartland

The technical aspect of The Division 2 presented a significant problem, particularly on PC, with players experiencing frequent and unexpected crashes during gameplay. Despite numerous suggested solutions, this issue continued to persist, resulting in frustration and disruption, especially when playing in a group on a mission. Whether this is due to the anti-cheat system implemented by Ubisoft or a flaw in the game's engine, resolving this problem in Heartland would significantly enhance the user experience and promote a more seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience.

2 Faster Movement/Parkour

Revolutionizing The Division: 5 Must-Have Improvements for Heartland

Improved movement speed and greater mobility for players could enhance the pace and flow of combat encounters, while also leveling the playing field against swift flanking enemies. The parkour mechanics in The Division 2 were a crucial aspect of this, however, at times they can feel unresponsive or weighty. Judging by the glimpses of parkour scenarios seen in the upcoming title, it appears that developers have put in work to refine the movement for players. The closed beta will provide fans with an opportunity to experience just how much attention has been given to this crucial aspect of gameplay.

1 New Weapons/Better Loot

Revolutionizing The Division: 5 Must-Have Improvements for Heartland

Players often receive duplicate weapons and appearance sets in The Division 2's loot drops, with only minor variations in damage output or aesthetics. This can be frustrating for players who are searching for specific items. To improve upon this aspect of the game, The Division Heartland should focus on increasing the variety of available weapons, including melee options, and increasing the drop rates for sought-after items. Doing so would greatly enhance the game's gunplay and looting system.

The Division Heartland is in development for release with a closed beta for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC coming soon.