The loot system in Diablo 4 is a refreshing departure from the typical pitfalls of the genre. Unlike its predecessors, Diablo 2 and 3, which had imbalanced loot distribution, Diablo 4 has achieved a more equitable balance. However, this game isn't just about balance; it also introduces innovative features that eliminate the frustration often associated with ARPGs and looter games. One such feature is similar to the Borderlands franchise's approach, which offers a multitude of guns with unique traits, perks, and components. In Diablo 4, the loot system follows a similar pattern but with one added twist. Players can extract Aspects from gear and apply them to other items, further adding to the game's depth.
How Diablo 4 Makes Rare Loot Always Rewarding
Looter games often rely solely on randomness, causing players to sometimes find the perfect item they have been searching for, only to realize it has an unfavorable trait. This can be a frustrating experience, and even Diablo 4 is not immune to it. Players still have to depend on RNG to obtain the Legendaries and Uniques they desire. However, Diablo 4 introduces a unique feature for its Legendary items - players can take them to the Occultist and extract their Aspect.
Extracting a Legendary Aspect in Diablo 4 is a straightforward process, but it comes at a cost - the base item will be destroyed, and players will not receive any materials or transmog appearance for their Wardrobe. This feature, however, completely transforms the way Diablo 4 handles loot. Players now have control over the perks they want to keep, even from items that were obtained early in the game and may not be useful in the endgame. They can also decide how to apply those perks eventually.
Players now have more control over the loot in looter games, as a bad drop can still turn into a valuable item down the line. Take Diablo 4's Pulverize Druid Shockwave Aspect, for example. Players can obtain it early on, between levels 20 and 30, and use it to level up easily. Later on, they can extract its Aspect and imprint it on a high-level item, making use of what would have been trash gear. This means that Legendaries are never really wasted. Additionally, players have a lot of control over what kind of item they imprint Aspects onto, so the final product will likely be an improved version of the original, possibly with the ability to reroll affixes. This makes Diablo 4's endgame much more accessible to those who start saving good items early on, and builds become easier to craft with more customization and better combos.
Diablo 4 launches on June 6 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.