Revolutionary Army's Daring Rescue of Bartholomew Kuma

Discover the heroic story of how the Revolutionary Army rescued Bartholomew Kuma from the clutches of the World Government Learn about Kuma's past and how he became a founder of the Revolutionary Army, as well as the tragic event that drove the trio to fight for a better world
Bartholomew Kuma, one of the founders of the Revolutionary Army, was once the king of the Sorbet Kingdom. However, his people overthrew him due to his defiance against the World Government. Despite not being a tyrant, Kuma was admonished by the organization, leading to his replacement as king. After losing his title, Kuma met Dragon and Ivankov, and the three of them established the Revolutionary Army, now one of the strongest organizations in the One Piece universe. Driven by the tragedy of Ohara, the trio vowed to prevent similar incidents from happening again.
Kuma's capture by the Marines would have resulted in his imprisonment or execution due to his numerous transgressions. However, Vegapunk saved him by transforming him into a cyborg, enabling him to avoid the World Government's wrath. Unfortunately, this newfound freedom came at a cost as Kuma slowly lost his sanity, eventually becoming a mindless cyborg. Nevertheless, Kuma played a crucial role in several One Piece arcs. He saved the Straw Hats from Kizaru and the Pacifista and protected the Thousand Sunny while the crew was away training. However, his involvement was cut short when he was turned into a slave by the Celestial Dragons. The top brass of the Revolutionary Army could not allow one of their most valuable members to be used as a means of transportation by the Celestial Dragons.
The Invasion
The Revolutionary Army had a mission to rescue Kuma and destroy Marijoa's symbol of the Celestial Dragons, free the slaves, and demolish the food storage. Sabo, Morley, Karasu, and Lindbergh were the team assigned to this task. Their first two objectives were easily achieved as they destroyed the hoof and food supplies without much difficulty. However, obtaining the keys to the collars of the slaves and Kuma proved to be a challenge.
The team had to fight through many security guards, but their ultimate test came when they faced the two Admirals. The Marines sent the Admirals to handle the situation as the Revolutionary Army had caused significant damage. Many fans expected the Admirals to emerge victorious, but they were proven wrong. Morley held off Ryokugyu effortlessly while Karasu kept Fujitora occupied. Despite the Admirals holding back due to the Celestial Dragons, it was still a remarkable feat for the Revolutionary Army commanders, as not many characters can withstand the power of an Admiral.
With the Admirals distracted, Sabo deftly obtained the keys from the guarded room. He swiftly reported the successful mission to Karasu and instructed him to return to headquarters as soon as Kuma and the other slaves were liberated. In the final moments of the chapter, Morley appeared at Kuma's location and prevented him from attacking Leo and Sai. The Revolutionary Army leaders successfully rescued Kuma and brought him to their hideout, where they slowly nursed him back to a semblance of sanity.
Bartholomew Kuma was brought to the Kamabakka Kingdom, the new base of the Revolutionary Army, after his release from physical chains. Despite his newfound freedom, Kuma remained a mindless cyborg, a result of Vegapunk's experiments. The Revolutionary Army attempted to reverse the effects of Vegapunk's work, but the process proved to be challenging. Although they made some progress in repairing him, Kuma's behavior remained erratic. Eventually, he fled the Kamabakka Kingdom and utilized his Devil Fruit powers to travel to the Red Line.
Upon his arrival, Kuma immediately began scaling the nearest structure. The locals who witnessed his descent were thrown into a state of panic. It was only a matter of time before the Marines caught wind of his presence and attempted to apprehend him. However, given Kuma's current state of mind, they may opt to eliminate him altogether. The true reason behind Kuma's decision to become a test subject for Vegapunk remains a mystery, but it is clear that there is more to his story than meets the eye.
Despite his notoriety, there are still many unanswered questions surrounding Kuma's past. His lineage, how he was captured, and what ultimately motivated him to undergo the transformation into a cyborg are just a few of the mysteries that continue to baffle those who study his life. While it remains to be seen whether Kuma will survive until the end of the series, one thing is certain: Oda will leave no stone unturned in providing readers with the answers they seek about the enigmatic former king of the Sorbet Kingdom.