Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

Remnant 2: Addressing Imperfections for an Enhanced Gaming Experience While the highly acclaimed game impresses, there are still areas that can be improved Explore vital fixes, from co-op stability to inventory management, communication, performance, and more


Improvements on Co-Op Stability & Bugfixes: Despite the enjoyable multiplayer experience offered in Remnant 2, there are some occasional occurrences of disconnections, connection problems, and delays in dodging that require resolution.

Improved version:

- Enhanced In-Game Communication: The lack of text or voice chat in Remnant 2 hinders player interaction and poses challenges in certain situations.

- Streamlined Inventory Management: A filter and sorting system for inventory items is essential as players accumulate more items, eliminating the tiresome process of manually browsing through a long list.

Remnant 2, released on July 25th, 2023, is still relatively new. However, players have noticed several general issues in the game that the team at Gunfire Games will likely address and fix. Until these issues are resolved, it is worth discussing them in order to raise awareness and ensure that players are informed, regardless of their progress in Remnant 2. In this regard, let's review some of the necessary fixes for the game, including quality-of-life enhancements, bug fixes, and overall balance adjustments.

8 General Co-Op Stability & Bugfixes

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

While the multiplayer in Remnant 2 generally functions well and even surpasses the original Remnant in certain aspects, there are still some issues that need to be addressed over time. Those who encountered online problems in Remnant: From the Ashes will notice similarities, such as occasional disconnections, connection issues, and a slight delay in dodge timing depending on the connection to the Host.

What sets Remnant 2 apart is the number of bugs that players seem to encounter specifically in co-op, which are not present in single-player mode. For instance, during our multiplayer sessions alone, we have experienced issues like falling through terrain, sudden aggression from enemies towards the party while on the Worldstone, becoming stuck in NPC dialogues, and more. Although these bugs are generally minor inconveniences, excluding major issues like the PS5 invite bug, it would undoubtedly enhance the overall experience to have them resolved.

7 Some Form Of Actual In-Game Communication

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

The absence of text chat, voice chat, and any other form of communication in Remnant 2, similar to its predecessor, Remnant: From the Ashes, appears to be a deliberate design choice by Gunfire Games. As a result, players are limited to using emotes, pings, or external platforms like Discord to interact with each other while playing in parties, whether they are randomly matched or playing with friends.

This lack of communication tools can be both rewarding and frustrating. It adds an extra layer of satisfaction when players successfully solve puzzles using only emotes. However, it also prevents players from warning each other about boss patterns or conveniently sharing information about discovered rewards, especially when the host is not nearby to observe their location for future playthroughs.

6 A Filter & Sorting System For Inventory Items

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

Starting out in Remnant 2, players may not initially realize the necessity for a sorting system in the game's various inventory systems. However, as they progress and accumulate more guns, rings, armor, and an abundance of Relic Fragments, it becomes increasingly frustrating to sift through multiple rings to find the desired one. This is precisely why the implementation of a filter/sorting system would greatly enhance the player experience.

Although players can utilize the 'Favorite' function to some extent to create their own makeshift sorting system for gear, this method falls short when it comes to organizing Relic Fragments. It serves merely as a temporary solution. An ideal approach would involve the ability to sort items within each inventory tab based on factors such as their effects or the order in which they were obtained.

5 More Tools While Dead & Spectating

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

In a multiplayer session of Remnant 2, when players die, they are limited to spectating other players until they interact with the next Worldstone. However, they are unable to perform any actions apart from switching between player viewpoints. This includes accessing their inventory, changing items, allocating Trait Points, adjusting Skills, or even accessing the options menu. While not a major issue, the absence of these features can be deemed peculiar. Additionally, when dead players respawn and need to change their Archetypes, Weapon Mods, or Skills, they are required to request the other players to return to the Worldstone in order to reset the cooldowns on their abilities.

4 General Performance & Upscaling Concerns

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

Let's clarify upfront that Remnant 2 is developed using Unreal Engine 5, and none of the developers have extensive experience with this engine. Therefore, the performance issues encountered in both the PC and Console versions of Remnant 2, although minor, can likely be attributed to their lack of optimization knowledge for this engine. However, this is speculative.

Nevertheless, it seems somewhat foolish for a game to be designed primarily for upscaling on modern hardware. Players should be able to achieve a smooth gameplay experience with at least 60+ fps, even with DLSS disabled, provided they have up-to-date hardware. Hopefully, future patches will enhance overall optimization, allowing players to fully appreciate the remarkable visual detail in higher resolutions. Even in downscaled resolutions, players can easily discern the superb texture work on the enemies and gear in Remnant 2.

3 NPCs In Ward 13 With Memory Loss

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

This may be a minor issue, but it is also one that players are likely to encounter frequently. Many players, including ourselves, have noticed that after using Adventure Mode, joining a random online lobby, or returning from a world in Campaign Mode, they end up having repeated conversations with NPCs in Ward 13.

The frustrating part is that these NPCs don't just repeat their regular lines with different wording. It's more like they are treating the player as if they are entering Ward 13 for the first time and it's their initial encounter. While it may not be a major problem, it becomes annoying when NPCs like Reggier or Mudtooth, who have a lot to say before revealing their shops, keep repeating their dialogue due to this bug occurring multiple times.

2 An Answer To The Trait Point Cap

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

The main issue that players have been expressing about Remnant 2 on various forums and Steam Discussion boards is the 60 Trait Point Cap in the game. Currently, players stop receiving Trait Points from Books after reaching 60, which is deemed worse than being able to stockpile these points but not use more than 60. Consequently, players are only able to fully maximize six Traits, excluding equipped Archetype Traits that still require Trait Points to level up. Gunfire Games designed the game to emphasize players' builds with additional ring slots and Trait Point restrictions, but it is currently seen as overly limiting, particularly on challenging difficulties such as Nightmare and Apocalypse.

1 A Way To Pause The Game In Offline Mode

Remnant 2: Revolutionizing Gameplay with 8 Game-Changing Fixes

Finally, let's discuss one remaining issue that the developers of Remnant 2 could address - the absence of a built-in pause feature for players. While console players have the option to 'suspend' the game using the PS or Xbox button, PC players do not enjoy this convenience unless they resort to third-party software.

It is worth noting that many other Soulslike games also lack a pause option. However, considering the considerable amount of time Gunfire Games anticipates players spending in Remnant 2, it would be appreciated if an option to pause the game could be introduced, perhaps limited to when players have set their lobbies to 'Offline' or a similar setting.

Remnant 2 is now available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.